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Using Service-Learning to Intentionally Teach FYE Course Objectives: Making the Link Obvious to Students Presented by: Brenda Marsteller Kowalewski Community-Based.

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Presentation on theme: "Using Service-Learning to Intentionally Teach FYE Course Objectives: Making the Link Obvious to Students Presented by: Brenda Marsteller Kowalewski Community-Based."— Presentation transcript:

1 Using Service-Learning to Intentionally Teach FYE Course Objectives: Making the Link Obvious to Students Presented by: Brenda Marsteller Kowalewski Community-Based and Experiential Learning Weber State University October 27, 2006

2 Workshop Topics FYE topics and objectives addressed through service-learning projects Reflection Service-learning paper or oral presentation Syllabus Construction

3 What are some of the topics you cover in your FYE class that you think are addressed through the service-learning assignment?

4 FYE Topics & S-L Time management Learning styles Engagement with learning Critical thinking Effective writing & speaking Major and career choices Diversity Individual values

5 How can you link the service- learning project to the topic?


7 Reflection Journal entries In-class reflection exercises –Demonstrations: Critical thinking “On the Fence, Off the Fence”

8 Final Paper or Presentation What? So what? Now what?

9 Syllabus Construction: Tips List course objectives and discuss (orally) which ones S-L is addressing. Schedule a time for a discussion of S-L, what it is and why it is important. Schedule a time for your community partner(s) to come to class.

10 Syllabus Construction: Tips Schedule 3 to 5 in-class reflection sessions throughout the semester. Spread due dates for reflection journal entries across the semester. Include the service-learning project logistics, requirements, and assignments on the syllabus.

11 A Closer Look at Your Syllabus Course Development Worksheet

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