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ASYMMETRIC PLANETARY NEBULAE III Mt. Rainier National Park 28 July - 1 August 2003 Evidence of Bipolar Structures in Precursors of PNe Evidence of Bipolar.

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Presentation on theme: "ASYMMETRIC PLANETARY NEBULAE III Mt. Rainier National Park 28 July - 1 August 2003 Evidence of Bipolar Structures in Precursors of PNe Evidence of Bipolar."— Presentation transcript:

1 ASYMMETRIC PLANETARY NEBULAE III Mt. Rainier National Park 28 July - 1 August 2003 Evidence of Bipolar Structures in Precursors of PNe Evidence of Bipolar Structures in Precursors of PNe Dejan Vinković University of Kentucky (IAS, Princeton) M. Elitzur (University of Kentucky) G. Weigelt, K-H Hofmann (MPIfR, Bonn)

2 AGB winds PPNs PNs spherical (?) asymmetric Evidence for bipolar jets in late stages of AGB winds recall the talk by Sahai

3 Evidence for bipolar jets in late stages of AGB winds ??

4 Vinković et al ‘03 Hofmann et al ‘01 = 2.12  m = 1.65  m = 1.24  m IRC+10011 (CIT3) – the prototype OH/IR star

5 IRC+10011 (CIT3)

6 IRC+10011 (CIT3) – bipolarity inside Spherical on large scales Asymmetry at ~ 100 AU Density contrast of 100 – ram pressure! Driving mechanism very close to the star High-velocity young jet ?

7 IRC+10216 – the prototype C-star Dayal & Bieging ‘95 HCN J = 1 – 0

8 Weigelt et al. ‘02 IRC+10216 – K-band

9 IRC+10216 – the bipolarity inside Spherical at ~ 4,000 AU (molecules; Lindqvist et al ‘00) Asymmetric at ~ 60 AU (K-band; Men'shchikov et al ’02) ~ 10 -5 M  yr -1  3·10 -4 M  yr -1 about 50 years ago talk by Fong: signature of bipolarity in molecular shells in the outer envelope?

10 Late phases of high develop bipolarity Scheuer 1974

11 Jet evolution? IRC+10011 IRC+10216 ? V Hydrae: talk by Sahai

12 Schmidt et al. ApJ (2002) IRC+30219 (CIT6)

13 Schmidt et al. ApJ (2002) IRC+30219 (CIT6)

14 Asymmetric at > 1,000 AU A few hundred years old The next phase of IRC+10216? IRC+30219 (CIT6) the bipolarity outside

15 W43A – the Jets are Out! Imai et al ‘02 talk by Aryal(?): large bipolar lobes interacting with the ISM and probably started already in the AGB phase talk by Schoenberner: asymmetry in NGC6826 started already in the end of AGB phase upcoming talk by Claussen!

16 post-AGB jets are out (and evolving) Hen 3-1475: talk & poster by A.Riera multiple outflows: talk by Sahai rotational disks: talk by Jura CO asymmetry: talk by Meixner bipolar in molecules: talk by Castro-Carrizo

17 …and also in PN Miranda et al ‘01... and many other presentations K3-35 jet masers: talk by Miranda

18 large bipolarity IRC+10011J image J & K imageIRC+10216 IRC+30219 W43Ajet (masers) jet evolution < 100 AU ~ ~ > 1000 AU ~ ~

19 Conclusions AGB wind phase ends with jets Questions: - how prevalent? -time scales? -driving mechanism? -controlling parameters? + upcoming talks!

20 Lindqvist et al ‘00 IRC+30219 (CIT6) - Molecules

21 vjvj jj 00 v h =v j (  j /  0 ) 1/2 Jets?

22 IRC+10011 (CIT3)

23 Successful fit of SED and 4 images (visibilities)

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