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NOVEMBER 5 TH, 2014. SCENARIO: Imagine you are travelling alone on a 20 hour plane ride. Checking in, you learn that the plane is almost full, but the.

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Presentation on theme: "NOVEMBER 5 TH, 2014. SCENARIO: Imagine you are travelling alone on a 20 hour plane ride. Checking in, you learn that the plane is almost full, but the."— Presentation transcript:

1 NOVEMBER 5 TH, 2014

2 SCENARIO: Imagine you are travelling alone on a 20 hour plane ride. Checking in, you learn that the plane is almost full, but the service agent says he will let you choose your seatmate. There are 5 seats left. Remember, this is a long flight, so choose wisely.

3 Passenger 1 is a basketball player Passenger 2 is a refugee Passenger 3 is a person with a bald head and multiple piercing Passenger 4 is a forger high-security prisoner Passenger 5 is a woman from Iran

4 Why did you choose who you did? What drew you to them? What exactly did you want to know about them? What kinds of questions did you want to ask them? Why did you NOT choose the other passengers?






10 Were you surprised by who the passengers turned out to be? Why or why not? Were your assumptions correct? How’d you arrive at them?


12 Part 1 On a piece of paper, write 5 things you wish people knew about you

13 Part 2 Write down 3 things people often assume about you

14 Part 3 - Reflect What are the VISIBLE and INVISIBLE parts of your identity? How do these relate to people’s perception of you? How accurate are the assumptions we make about other people?


16 A prejudice is a prejudgement or assumption about a person or a group of people without adequate knowledge of who they are Often based on stereotypes Racial prejudice involves beliefs that certain racial groups are innately inferior to others

17 Stereotype: A stereotype is an idea or belief that assumes the sameness of all members of a particular group There is no such thing as a positive stereotype

18 Discrimination is an action based on prejudiced attitudes. It is unfair/inequitable treatment of someone based on their race, ethnicity, gender identity, sexual orientation, ability, age, socio- economic status, language, faith or other part of their identity, and it can be conscious or unconscious. To discriminate, one group MUST have social, economic, and/or political power to affect another group

19 Systemic social privilege is power that is NOT earned and that often is invisible to the holder This privilege gives us an unfair and unearned advantage over others

20 is a set of ideas that implies the superiority of one social group over another on the basis of biological or cultural characteristics, together with the power to put these beliefs into practice in a way that denies or excludes minority women and men 4 types: Overt, Polite, Subliminal, and Institutional

21 Symbolic Interactionist Perspectives -contact hypothesis Functionalist Perspectives -Assimilation  cultural, structural, biological -Ethnic Pluralism  equalitarian and inequalitarian Conflict Perspectives -internal colonialism and the split-labour-market theory Feminist Perspectives

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