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Health Promoting Schools How can it work for you ?

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Presentation on theme: "Health Promoting Schools How can it work for you ?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Health Promoting Schools How can it work for you ?

2 What is HPS? Health promoting schools is a holistic and comprehensive approach to promoting health that integrates health promotion within the whole context of the school.

3 School Health is… Youth Engagement Physical Activity Healthy Eating Social Inclusion Emotional Wellbeing Social Justice

4 Benefits Student Achievement Literacy Citizenship Cohesive Communities Healthy Families School Connectedness Employability

5 Great things are happening everyday in your schools that meet the criteria of HPS. Outdoor Classrooms Greenhouses Youth Health Centers Healthy Foods at School Programs Alternative Learning Opportunities for students (student PLC’s) Community and Family involvement

6 What does HPS look like at your school? Funding to support programs Resource people Action Team Tools and processes to help identify priority areas Create action plan Implementation

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