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WHAT IS A CLAIM? A claim is a statement (spoken or written) that something is the case. Ex: He claimed that his grandfather was a famous actor during the.

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Presentation on theme: "WHAT IS A CLAIM? A claim is a statement (spoken or written) that something is the case. Ex: He claimed that his grandfather was a famous actor during the."— Presentation transcript:

1 WHAT IS A CLAIM? A claim is a statement (spoken or written) that something is the case. Ex: He claimed that his grandfather was a famous actor during the 1950s. In order for anyone to take your claim seriously, it has to be backed by facts and/or evidence.

2 WHAT IS REASONING? Reasoning is the act of thinking about something in a logical, sensible way. Ex: He explained his reasoning behind his decision to quit the team. In order to persuade or convince someone that your claim or argument is correct, you must provide sound reasoning.


4 - An argument is a logical way of presenting a belief, conclusion, or stance - A good argument is always supported with reasoning and evidence -An argument can be used for many purposes, such as to change the reader’s/listener’s point of view or opinion, or to bring about an action or a response from a reader/listener.

5 3 MAIN PURPOSES OF A FORMAL ARGUMENT 1)To change the reader’s/listener’s mind 2)To convince the reader/listener to accept what is written/spoken 3)To motivate the reader/listener to take action, based on what is written/spoken

6 WHERE DO WE SEE ARGUMENTS? You may not realize it, but arguments are commonly seen in advertisements. - Advertisements attempt to: 1)Persuade an audience to buy a product or service 2)Accept an idea 3)Support a cause

7 Several common types of advertisements are: 1)Public-Service Announcements 2)Billboards 3)Merchandise Ads 4)Service Ads 5)Political Campaign Literature

8 PERSUASIVE TECHNIQUES 3 FORMAL PERSUASIVE TECHNIQUES: 1.Appeal to Authority- using the opinions of experts and well-known people 2.Appeal to Emotion- using words that convey strong feeling 3. Appeal to Reason- using logical arguments backed by statistics and facts

9 PERSUASIVE TECHNIQUES Persuasive techniques are ways to convince a reader/listener to think, act, or feel a certain way (usually in a way that benefits you or your cause). There are 6 main persuasive techniques, and while they are often found in advertisements, they should be avoided in formal arguments (e.g. an essay)

10 BANDWAGON APPROACH -Appeals to a person’s desire to belong Ex: Anyone with any sense will vote for Richard Rock

11 ANTI-BANDWAGON APPROACH -Encourages or celebrates individuality Ex: Vote your conscience – an election is not a popularity contest.

12 EMOTIONAL APPEAL -Evokes people’s fear, anger, or desire Ex: Without working smoke detectors, your family is in danger.

13 ENDORSEMENT/TESTIMONY -Employs a well-known person to promote a product or idea Ex: I use this toothpaste, and it brightens my movie-star smile.”

14 LOADED LANGUAGE -The use of words that are charged with emotion Ex: These poor, innocent children are going to starve unless you donate to our charity.

15 HYPERBOLE -Exaggeration to make a point Ex: Our candidate does the work of ten people!

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