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Risk Kód ITMS projektu: 26110130519 Gymnázium Pavla Jozefa Šafárika – moderná škola tretieho tisícročia Vzdelávacia oblasť: Jazyk a komunikácia Predmet.

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Presentation on theme: "Risk Kód ITMS projektu: 26110130519 Gymnázium Pavla Jozefa Šafárika – moderná škola tretieho tisícročia Vzdelávacia oblasť: Jazyk a komunikácia Predmet."— Presentation transcript:

1 Risk Kód ITMS projektu: 26110130519 Gymnázium Pavla Jozefa Šafárika – moderná škola tretieho tisícročia Vzdelávacia oblasť: Jazyk a komunikácia Predmet Anglický jazyk Ročník, triedy: Príma Tematický celok: Risk Vypracoval: Ing. Diana Matisová Dátum: 11.2013

2 What are the names of these jobs? JOBS - VOCABULARY a dentist a police officer a soldier a hair dresser a tailor a butcher

3 What are the names of these jobs? JOBS - VOCABULARY a baker a taxi driver a doctor an office worker a vet a manager

4 Strange jobs What is the job of these pople? What do they do? Would you like to do it? STRANGE JOBS

5 What is the job of these pople? What do they do? Would you like to do it? STRANGE JOBS

6 What is the job of these pople? What do they do? Would you like to do it? STRANGE JOBS

7 What is the job of these pople? What do they do? Would you like to do it? STRANGE JOBS

8 Match the opposites and translate them. Then desribe the jobs and people in slide no.1 and no.2. patient lazy interestingboring dangerousimpatient hard-workingweak strong safe friendlyunfriendly difficulteasy JOBS - ADJECTIVES

9 Match the words to form teo-words jobs. Who is in the pictures? taxiwarden shopclerk bankguard trafficassistant socialdriver securityagent Estateworker COMPOUND NOUNS

10 Drive a taxi Bake bread. Prepare and sell meat. Fight in wars. Look after people's teeth. Look after people's health. Cut and style people's hair. Jobs - vocabulary What are the names of these jobs? taxi drivers bakers butchers soldiers dentists doctors hairdressers

11 A doctor works in a............... A vet works in a................ A teacher works in a................ A chef works in a.................. A butcher works in a................ A baker works in a................. An accountant works in an............. hospital school kitchen butchers bakery office vet surgery Jobs - vocabulary

12 Desribe your parent̕s working day. Use the words below. get upby car/ by bus/ on foot have a breakfasthave lunch have dinnercome back home help with homeworkhave a shower go to bedwatch TV play with childrengo to work MY PARENT̕S WORKING DAY

13 Použité zdroje most-bizarre-modern-jobs/ most-bizarre-modern-jobs/ html#buildup html#buildup

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