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Tamil Nadu – Skill and Placement Training Programme

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1 Tamil Nadu – Skill and Placement Training Programme
DDU – GKY ( PRC Meeting )

2 About TNCDW TNCDW Established in – comes under RD & Panchayat Raj Department is nodal agency for NRLM This Organization implements State funded Youth skill training programme from the year to 2011, and thereafter implementing the DDU GKY programme. TNCDW Implements two major poverty reduction projects namely Mahalir Thittam (State Funded) Pudhu Vazhvu Project ( World Bank Funded) NRLM (Central & State funded) 1,19,296 youth were trained in Mahalir Thittam upto 2011 and of them are placed. Minimum salary ranges from Rs. 4,000 to P/M

3 About TNCDW Tamil Nadu has a strong community based organizations like SHGs and PLF in the state even before the implementation of NRLM. Community Resource Persons - persons who are having communication skill and educationally qualified are selected and trained and utilized for implementing Community based Programmes of Mahalir thittam, NRLM, and other line departments as follows: To create awareness on Non Communicable Diseases among SHG members 4158 CRPs were trained and developed Created 5100 CRPs on HIV and AIDs awarenes creation among SHG members 432 Gender CRPs were developed to sensitize the Village Panchayat Presidents and PLF members on gender issues. 1728 CRPs were developed as Community Operation Manual (COM) – ToT’s to impart training to VPRCs.

4 About TNCDW 149 Community SHG trainers were developed as ToT’s for imparting Animator Representative training and SHG member training to newly formed SHGs. 7568 CRPs were selected as community SHG trainers @ one CST for 15 SHGs in phase I and Phase II panchayats to monitor the Self Help Groups 265 one Per block were selected and trained to impart training on Sanitation 2347 CRPs were trained as Community Disability Facilitators to implement the disabled component of the programme. Totally 742, +2 passed Cluster Facilitators has been selected and appointed as CRP (Livelihood) and they are paid Rs currently under NRLM programme.

5 Community Based Approach in DDU GKY Programme
The success of any Programme depends on the ownership and active involvement of the community. 5926 VPRC’s Formed so far 11852, Youth (Male & Female) 2 per VPRC 4154 –Community Professional (Jobs) appointed by VPRC, and they are paid incentive of Rs50 for mobilization and Rs. 50 after placement

6 Community Based Approach in DDU GKY Programme
The success of any Programme depends on the ownership and active involvement of the community. Job CPs oriented by DMMU on Skill & Placement Programme Information Education and Communication (IEC) Ratham Handouts Wall Painting Banners Posters Street Play Job-CPs maintains the youth database register

7 Community Based Approach ( Cont..)
The success of any Programme depends on the ownership and active involvement of the community. Orientation to Cluster Facilitators, CP(Jobs) and PLFs Skill Mela at Block level by inviting PIAs Candidate/Parents pre-counseling on the program by Cluster Facilitators and PIAs Candidate list recommended by VPRC

8 Community Based Approach ( Cont..)
The success of any Programme depends on the ownership and active involvement of the community. Monitoring by the CBOs/CP (JOBS) during training Close Tracking of candidate through Families by CBO’s after placement Carrier Guidance for the Drop out & Placed candidate by CP Jobs

9 Candidate’s Entitlements
Skill & Placement Training Programme Free Training Programme Candidates are paid food, to & fro charges of Rs. 100 per day Placement after successful completion of training course. Support Cost of Rs.1000 paid to Candidate for 2 months after placement. Uniform & Cap provided under the programme Welcome Kit provided ID Card provided On the Job Training Along with Domain Skill Soft skill is also imparted Nationally accredited Certificate provided

10 Strategies to be adopted under DDU GKY Training Programme
Vaazthugirom (Greetings) Banner Councelling committee at Village Level Village Model Youth Organizing Youth Meets Help Desk at Block level 10% contribution from the students. Exposure visit of both parents and candidate to training to placement centres Screening of skill training related films at block /panchayat level Conducting youth mobilization day (monthly basis) Professional Career Counselling for target candidates (The above said strategies are being practiced under Pudhu Vaazhvu Project (World Bank Funded Project) in the State)

11 Bio- Matric Attendance
During Training Bio- Matric Attendance Safety Fire Theory Class Practical Class Practical Class OJT

12 Job Fair Waiting for their turn Help Desk Interview
Candidate Registration Advertisement Banner Waiting for their turn Issue of Certificate by Hon’ble Minister – RD & PR Help Desk Interview

13 Success Story Under DDU GKY programme ín Retail Sector ‘Store Operation Assistant- level 1’ course is given to 60 persons in two batches at Thirukalikundram in Kancheepuram in District. The course is of three months duration started in March and completed in June 26, Before completion and assessment 26 students got placement in Westside Tata Trent Ltd., for a salary of Rs plus incentive.

14 Westside – Tata Trent Ltd
Placement Westside – Tata Trent Ltd 26 Students Selected out of 34 shortlist candidate in Westside Tata Trent


16 Achievement DDU –GKY JOB MELA ( PLACEMENT) Year Target Trained Placed
19170 100% 77% 20000 90% 3% Year Participated Placed 58123 18% 192766 27%


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