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Center for Parent Information & Resources Thanks for joining us today. We’re glad you’re here. Writing for the Web.

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Presentation on theme: "Center for Parent Information & Resources Thanks for joining us today. We’re glad you’re here. Writing for the Web."— Presentation transcript:

1 Center for Parent Information & Resources Thanks for joining us today. We’re glad you’re here. Writing for the Web

2 NICHCY Legacy Resource to Consult  Understand how people read on the web  Help readers skim and scan  Put the essential message first  Chunk your information  Use headings & subheadings  Write in plain language

3 How do people read on the Web? They don’t.  skim and scan  look for keywords  sweep what they see in an F stroke  can be gone like lightning They:

4 Eye-Tracking Studies See the F stroke pattern? Jakob Nielsen

5 Eye-Tracking Studies Summary at: 80% Users spend of their time on the left side of the page 69%  Put the most important info first, forget the nice intro  Get to the point immediately  Keep headers & links flush to left margin Implications? Users spend of their time looking above the fold”

6 Use The Inverted Pyramid Help your visitors get the point of the page fast Load the first paragraph with the essential message

7 Example from Jakob Nielsen

8 Helping Readers Skim and Scan  Include a table of contents  State the most important info in the first 2 paragraphs  Chunk content in short paragraphs  Put only 1 main idea in a paragraph  Bold headings and subheadings

9 Example NICHCY in 2008 Today at CPIR

10 Example State the point of the page right off the bat! Readers can see the contents of the page immediately.

11 Helping Readers Skim and Scan  Front-load headings with keywords  Use bullets, numbered lists, and numerals  Don’t center text on the page  Make your links meaningful  Test your site with a few users Example To see pictures of Skeletar, click here. See pictures of Skeletar.

12 Helping Readers Skim and Scan Tips About Headings  Make headers into questions your readers ask Where can I have my child evaluated?  Write headers are action statements, using verbs Find Help for Your Child Know Your Rights  Consider starting with a keyword Cost: Will I have to pay for these services?

13 More about the Inverted Pyramid The Lead | Most important point of the page Good leads:  are 1-2 sentences long  use short sentences (30-35 words max)  include information-carrying keywords  help readers see whether the webpage has info relevant to their need or concern

14 More about the Inverted Pyramid The Body | Here, you support your lead in descending order of importance Tips:  Make it easy for visitors to scan the content  Include a table of contents  Divide content into distinct sections  Use headings (in bold) to mark the sections  Use headings rich with content words  Keep individual paragraphs short  Give bulleted lists

15 More about the Inverted Pyramid The End | Here’s where the least important info goes, what would be “nice” for readers to know Count yourself lucky if visitors read this far. But many will!

16 Subscribe to Jakob Nielsen's weekly Alertbox newsletter Visit his website. Great articles! Top 10 Mistakes in Web Design Designing Teen-Targeted Websites Most Violated Homepage Guidelines Top Homepage Usability Guidelines The State of Mobile User Experience

17 Q uestions? C omments?

18 You can find the slides, helpful handouts, and (very soon) the recording of this webinar on the webpage we’ve created for this event.

19 Thank you very much for attending this webinar. Debra Jennings, Project Director Myriam Alizo, Project Assistant Indira Medina, Communication and Dissemination Lisa Küpper, Product Development Jan Serak, Senior Advisor

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