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Science Boot Camp A-Z Booklet. March 25, 2015 A is for ADAPTATION – Draw a picture of a plant and an animal that has an adaptation. Explain how each adaptation.

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Presentation on theme: "Science Boot Camp A-Z Booklet. March 25, 2015 A is for ADAPTATION – Draw a picture of a plant and an animal that has an adaptation. Explain how each adaptation."— Presentation transcript:

1 Science Boot Camp A-Z Booklet

2 March 25, 2015 A is for ADAPTATION – Draw a picture of a plant and an animal that has an adaptation. Explain how each adaptation helps the animal or plant to survive. B is for BEHAVIOR – Draw two scenes of an animal in its NATURAL habitat. One should illustrate an instinct, the other should show a learned behavior. Explain the difference between the learned and instinct.

3 March 26, 2015 C is for CIRCUIT – Draw and label a complete circuit. Explain how the circuit works. Define and give one example of an electrical conductor and an electrical insulator. D is for DISSOLVE – Define solution. Explain the two parts that make up a solution. Explain how to separate a mixture of salt, sand and iron filings.

4 March 27, 2015 E is for ECOSYSTEM – Define ecosystem. Illustrate and explain a change in an ecosystem by living organisms and how it changes the physical characteristics of the ecosystem. F is for FOSSILS – Define fossils. Draw a picture of a fossil that shows where the oldest fossil can be found in a layer of rock. Explain which type of rock most fossils are found.

5 March 30, 2015 F is for FOOD CHAINS – Define food chains. Describe how food chains work. Draw a sample food chain. It must include a producer, two consumers, and a decomposer. Be sure to include the most important component of a food chain. (Hint: All food chains start with the ___). Explain what would happen if one of the organisms in the food chain was removed. G is for GROUND – Draw a soil horizon. Explain the color, texture and ability to support life for each layer. Draw and label a sediment tube with humus, gravel and sand. Explain why it layers like it does.

6 April 1, 2015 H is for How Earth Changes – Many circumstances cause changes in the earth. Some changes are rapid changes and some are slow changes. Illustrate and describe at least three rapid changes to the earth. I is for IGNEOUS ROCK – Draw the rock cycle for the three types of rocks we have studied and explain how each one is formed. IF YOU FINISH, DOUBLE CHECK ALL OF YOUR LETTERS TO MAKE SURE THEY ARE ACCURATE AND COLORED

7 April 2, 2015 Today you will make sure all of your letters are complete and colored. When you are finished bring them to me to check and then you will get to do activities around the room!

8 April 3, 2015 QUIZ DAY: Today you will show off what you have learned while making your alphabet book! Remember, you have worked hard to produce this work and know that this is for the gradebook.

9 April 6, 2015 J is for JUNIOR SCIENTIST – Junior scientist communicate information with charts and graphs. Create and data table and a bar graph for a fake experiment about the amount of time it took to melt ice in the sun outside in the sun in a window, and in the classroom without sun. K is for SINK – Define density. Illustrate what an egg in fresh water looks like compared to an egg in salt water. Explain why they look the way they do.

10 April 7, 2015 L is for LIFE CYCLES – Define complete and incomplete metamorphosis. Draw and label a butterfly life cycle and explain if it is complete/incomplete. Draw and label a tomato plant life cycle. M is for MOTION – Describe and illustrate force, motion and friction. Describe and illustrate how motion changes the phases of the moon and how long one cycle takes.

11 April 8, 2015 M is for MOON, earth and sun – Draw a triple Venn diagram comparing the characteristics of the moon, earth and sun. N is for NATURAL RESOURCES – Define renewable resources. Give 5 examples of renewable resources. Define non-renewable resources. Explain how fossil fuels were formed.

12 April 9, 2015 O is for ORBIT – Define rotation. How long does it take earth to complete one rotation? Define revolution. How long does it take earth to complete one revolution? Explain how revolution affects seasons. Draw and label a picture showing earths revolution. Complete the following sentence: Rotation causes ______; revolution causes _______. O is for OMNIVORE – Define, illustrate and describe the adaptations for survival used by an herbivore, carnivore and omnivore.

13 April 10, 2015 P is for PLANTS – Define photosynthesis. Draw and label the carbon dioxide-oxygen cycle. Q is for QUESTION – Scientists practice the application of the scientific method. Explain the steps to the scientific method. J-Q Due; quiz day

14 April 13, 2015 R is for REFLECTION and REFRACTION – Define and draw a picture for both reflection and refraction. Define opaque, transparent, and translucent. Draw an object for each one. S is for STATES OF MATTER – Define matter. Draw and label an example of each of the 3 states of matter with molecules. Explain all the ways water can be changed from one state to another

15 April 14, 2015 T is for THERMAL ENERGY – Define thermal energy. Define and give one example for each heat conductor and heat insulator. T is for TYPES OF CIRCUITS – Define and illustrate a series circuit and a parallel circuit. Explain which one could still have working receivers if there was a break in the wire.

16 April 15, 2015 U is for UMBRELLA – Different tools are used for measuring weather conditions. Draw a picture and label 5 weather tools. Identify what each tool measures. Define scientific names for a person who studies weather. V is for VIBRATIONS – Define sound. Draw and label a real device that uses sound, light, heat, mechanical and electrical energy.

17 April 16, 2015 W is for WEATHERING – Describe and illustrate the difference between weathering, erosion and deposition. Label all illustrations. W is for WEATHER – Define weather. Define climate. Compare them in a Venn diagram.

18 April 17, 2015 X is for XPLAIN the Water Cycle – Draw a picture and label each part of the water cycle (use arrows). Then explain how it works. Y is for YIKES! It’s HOT! – Draw a thermometer. Label the boiling, freezing and melting points of water in Celsius. Define boiling, melting and freezing. Z is for ZOOLOGY – Define habitat. Draw a plant and an animal and it’s habitat. Explain how each survives by interacting with the living and non-living elements.

19 April 17, 2015 Quiz Day Alphabet Book Due Tuesday Fun day for those that are finished!!

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