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Working with Integrated Visualization

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1 Working with Integrated Visualization
TM610 Working with Integrated Visualization PowerPoint_Template_V61D

2 Working with Integrated Visualization
First visualization application

3 Principle Visualization object
Different products – Identical display resolution PC-based simulation VNC viewer VNC server Visualization object VNC server

4 First VNC visualization
TITLE OF THE PRESENTATION First VNC visualization Creating an Automation Studio project Create a new project Target system: Automation Runtime Simulation (ArSim) Creator

5 Structured Text programming language
Creating a new program Structured Text programming language

6 Creating a visualization object
Adding to the Logical View

7 Configuring the visualization object
Mapping to a hardware interface / Password configuration

8 Building and transferring a project
Compiling a configuration / Transferring to ARsim

9 Testing the HMI application
Establishing a connection with a VNC viewer

10 Testing the HMI application
Password entry

11 Summary Test the HMI application Control password
For access to all control elements and objects View password Visualization limited to the current page. Can be viewed but not actively controlled.

12 Working with Integrated Visualization
The CoffeeMachine sample project

13 The Automation Studio start page
"Coffee Machine" example project

14 "Coffee Machine" example project
Example visualization

15 The Visual Components editor

16 The Visual Components editor
Project Explorer

17 The Visual Components editor

18 The Visual Components editor
Properties window

19 The Visual Components editor

20 Static and dynamic text
Controls Static and dynamic text

21 Numeric input and output
Controls Numeric input and output

22 Controls Buttons

23 Controls Graphic objects

24 Controls Date and time

25 Controls List box

26 Working with Integrated Visualization
Data points and units

27 Visualization data points
= Variable Properties

28 Numeric output

29 Numeric output

30 Numeric output

31 Value scaling using the linear equation
Determining the linear equation using 1 point

32 Value scaling using the linear equation
Scaled display value Variable y = k * x + d

33 y = 1 * x + 0 y = k * x + d Celsius scaling No conversion required
Variables are already scaled to degrees Celsius

34 25°C = 1 * 25°C + 0 y = 1 * x + 0 y = 1 * 25°C + 0 Celsius scaling
Check values using a "conversion test"

35 Celsius scaling 25°C = 1 * 25°C + 0

36 Celsius scaling Determining the linear equation using 2 points

37 General formula °F = °C * 9/ Set any 2 interpolation points

38 32°F = 0°C * 9/5 + 32 °F = °C * 9/5 + 32 °F = 0°C * 9/5 + 32
General formula 32°F = 0°C * 9/ °F = °C * 9/ °F = 0°C * 9/ Result 0°C = 32°F

39 1832°F = 1000°C * 9/5 + 32 °F = °C * 9/5 + 32 °F = 1000°C * 9/5 + 32
Fahrenheit scaling 1832°F = 1000°C * 9/ °F = °C * 9/ °F = 1000°C * 9/ Result 1000°C = 1832°F

40 °F = °C * 9/5 + 32 Fahrenheit scaling Interpolation point 1 at 0°C

41 °F = °C * 9/5 + 32 °F = 25°C * 9/5 + 32 Fahrenheit scaling
Check values using a "conversion test"

42 Fahrenheit scaling 77°F = 25°C * 9/ °F = 25°C * 9/

43 Summary Data points Unit groups Value scaling

44 Working with Integrated Visualization
Languages and animation

45 Consolidated information in various groups and languages
Dynamic elements Principle Consolidated information in various groups and languages Text groups Bitmap groups Unit groups Alarm groups Languages

46 Text group example Texts that belong together are consolidated in a text group in multiple languages

47 Text group example

48 Text group example Offset

49 Text group example IndexDP = 0 TEXT = Offset + IndexDatapoint

50 Text group example TEXT = Offset + IndexDatapoint IndexDP = 0

51 Text group example TEXT = Offset + IndexDatapoint IndexDP = 1

52 Text group example Language switching

53 Key action switches over
to set language

54 Text group example Key action switches over to set language

55 Summary Text change using IndexDatapoint
Language change using key action "ChangeLanguage" In the editor

56 Default settings for the target system

57 Summary Collective multilingual information Text groups

58 Summary Language switching
Language can be changed in the editor and at runtime Text groups

59 Summary Language switching Various actions available Text groups
Key actions

60 Working with Integrated Visualization
First visualization application Languages and animation Languages and animation The CoffeeMachine sample project Data points and units Data points & unit groups

61 Working with Integrated Visualization TM610
TM600 Introduction to Visualization TM610 Working with Integrated Visualization TM640 Alarm, Trends and Diagnostics TM670 Advanced Visual Components PowerPoint_Template_V61D

62 - Übungen -

63 Übung – Erste Visualisierung

64 Übung – Erstes Projekt Zurück

65 Automation Studio Basis

66 Übung – Aufgabenstellung laut TM610
Die eigene Visualisierung nutzt den Programmablauf der „CoffeeMachine“ Zurück

67 Automation Studio Basis

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