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Sleeve gastrectomy in patients with BMI between 30 and 35 M. Berry MD, P. Lamoza MD, L. Urrutia MD, A. Molina MD, E. Luna MD, F. Parra MD Unit of Bariatric.

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Presentation on theme: "Sleeve gastrectomy in patients with BMI between 30 and 35 M. Berry MD, P. Lamoza MD, L. Urrutia MD, A. Molina MD, E. Luna MD, F. Parra MD Unit of Bariatric."— Presentation transcript:

1 Sleeve gastrectomy in patients with BMI between 30 and 35 M. Berry MD, P. Lamoza MD, L. Urrutia MD, A. Molina MD, E. Luna MD, F. Parra MD Unit of Bariatric & Metabolic Surgery Clinica Las Condes Santiago – Chile SAGES 2015 Nashville, TN, USA

2 DisclosureDisclosure Covidien:Fellowship grant

3 IntroductionIntroduction The laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy (LSG) is a bariatric procedure that has been extended to special cases with BMI under 35. The real benefit is under investigation, but previous studies have shown beneficial results and safety. We try to demonstrate that LSG can be performed safely in patients with BMI between 30-35 obtaining comparable results to severe and morbidly obese patients, with resolution of their comorbidities.

4 LSGLSG LSG became the most widespread procedure in our country with excellent results in weight loss and acceptable morbimortality

5 Methods and Procedures Prospective study. We analyzed 474 patients from a universe of 1605 patients with LSG. Analyzing gender, age, comorbidities, preoperative BMI, EWL, EWL% and BMI postoperatively at 1,6,12,24 and 36 months, morbidity and mortality, (between 2006 and 2014.)

6 ResultsResults Kg/Mts2

7 ResultsResults Mean Weight: 89,8(68 – 114) kg Surgical time: 86,1(40 – 120)min

8 Comorbidities and Remission 93% 90% 70% 72% 82%* * Improvement T2DM 18% (n:6)

9 MorbidityMorbidity Morbiditynrate Hemoperitoneum51,0 Portal Vein Thrombosis10,2 Bile Peritonitis (Lushka -cholecystectomy)10,2 Leaks00,0 Total Cases71,4

10 ConclusionsConclusions Clearly, BMI is not the only indicator to consider bariatric and metabolic surgery; there are other variables to consider in a complete preoperative evaluation. Our results have shown that performing LSG in patients with BMI between 30 and 35 is safe The results are comparable or even better than those obtained in patients with severe or morbid obesity in terms of resolution of comorbidities and weight loss It will require further studies and longer follow-up.

11 Thank you for your attention!!

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