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Phil Peterschick - DES Jason Horning, ENP - NDACo 6/3/2015 GIS Workflows & MSAG Project Overview.

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Presentation on theme: "Phil Peterschick - DES Jason Horning, ENP - NDACo 6/3/2015 GIS Workflows & MSAG Project Overview."— Presentation transcript:

1 Phil Peterschick - DES Jason Horning, ENP - NDACo 6/3/2015 GIS Workflows & MSAG Project Overview

2 Outline GIS in NG9-1-1 Refresher Seamless Basemap Initiative GIS Standards Development GIS Workflow Development Converting GIS to MSAG

3 GIS in NG9-1-1 Refresher

4 “GIS Data to support validation and call delivery” Location Validation Function – the address validation component Will be used by telephone companies to validate their customer service records Eventually replaces the MSAG/SOI process Example Emergency Call Routing Function – the call delivery component Used by the Emergency Services Routing Proxy (ESRP) to determine the appropriate PSAP for the call Given a location (address or geometry) what is the appropriate PSAP? Example

5 GIS in NG9-1-1 Refresher (cont.) Map Database & Map Service Tools to access live mapping data within the NG9-1-1 System Anticipate use by CAD, Mapping, CPE, Recording vendors Useful for access to real-time data, road closures, etc. Map Database Based on Open Geospatial Consortium’s Web Feature Service Retrieval of GIS features from the 9-1-1 database, including GIS attribution Map Service Based on Open Geospatial Consortiums’ Web Map Service Retrieval of a “Map Picture” from the 9-1-1 database Example

6 GIS in NG9-1-1 Refresher (cont.) Need for single seamless statewide GIS database is PARAMOUNT! GIS data needs to be seamless across the ESInet service area Can’t achieve NG9-1-1 status without it Efficient emergency response will only be as good as the data provided to the NG9-1-1 system Need to communicate this need to all GIS personnel working for or on behalf of the PSAP community.

7 Seamless Basemap Initiative

8 Seamless Basemap Initiative Critical Nature of the Project and Deliverables Project Intro Seen vs. Unseen Product Interpretation Products Tangible Product Recap Evolution of Products

9 Seamless Basemap Initiative Status of the Deliverables General Agency / Vendor Local Stakeholders

10 Seamless Basemap Initiative Importance of Ongoing Maintenance Importance Maintenance Options 3 Options Workflow Diagram Facilitation

11 GIS Standards Development

12 NENA Standard for NG9-1-1 GIS Data Model Presently in All Committee Review within NENA Hope to be finished in a couple of months Next step will be Public Review Full completion will depend on the number of Public Review comments Estimate 8-10 months before final “board-approved” version released ND911 Assoc. GIS WG’s “GIS Data Requirements” document Developed by ND9-1-1 Association’s GIS Committee to fill an immediate need Used in the interim while we wait for the NENA standard to be approved Likely to remain a document beyond NENA standard approval Layers include only those needed for NG9-1-1 Roads, Structures, State, County, Municipal, PSAP, Law, Fire, Ambulance Document describes how data should be formatted prior to exchange

13 GIS Standards Development (cont.) Final Version of the ND911 Associations’ “GIS Data Requirements” document to be presented during the business meeting. March meeting the document was presented to the ND911 Assoc. membership, asking for comments Comments received between March and May Committee has met to address comments and revise the document Committee feels it is ready for approval

14 GIS Workflow Development

15 GIS Workflow Activity GIS Workflow – The process by which core GIS layers are updated by participating stakeholders in support of a seamless statewide GIS database for NG9-1-1 and E9-1-1 use. GIS Data Maintenance Roles and Responsibilities Participating Stakeholders Cities Counties Regional Entities NDACo DES Other State Agencies involved ITD, DOT, DOH, Tax Commission, Insurance Dept., SWC, State Fire Marshall Core GIS Layers Roads, Structures, State, County, Municipality, PSAP, Law, Fire, Ambulance

16 GIS Workflow Activity (cont.) GIS Technical Committee (GISTC) A group representing the interests of state agencies and the public that coordinate GIS activities within the state. Recognized they had a role to play & established an NG9-1-1 Working Group GISTC NG9-1-1 WG Works to identify improved workflows associated with maintenance of : State, County, Municipal, Fire, Law, and Ambulance layers Objective to improve update frequency while ensuring that agency requirements are met Meetings scheduled with state agencies to optimize the existing workflows from a state perspective oTax Dept oDepartment of Health oInsurance Dept oFire Marshall

17 GIS Workflow Activity (cont.) GIS Layer Roles & Responsibilities City, County, and Regional Entities (Typically the 911 Coordinator) Maintenance of Road Centerlines, Structure points, Ambulance, Law Enforcement, Fire and Municipal boundaries Department of Emergency Services Statewide Data Aggregation Level 1 QA/QC NDACo Level 2 QA/QC MSAG Development MSAG Provisioning PSAP & ESN boundary maintenance State Agencies Maintenance of State, County boundaries Aggregation of Municipal boundaries QA/QC of emergency service boundary change requests

18 GIS Workflow Activity (cont.) Basic Workflow for Local Government Step 1: Identify change that needs to be made Step 2: Make the GIS change Make change to local GIS and submit to DES periodically Or Through a Change Request (Online, Email, Fax, etc.) Or Through a Web-based Edit (Via DES web-editor)

19 GIS Workflow Activity (cont.) Basic Workflow for DES Step 1: Take receipt of GIS changes from an agency (9-1-1 Coordinator, GIS technician, etc.) Step 2: Verify that the GIS change meets requirements Step 3: Insert/Update/Delete the GIS data in the production copy of the statewide seamless basemap dataset

20 GIS Workflow Activity (cont.) Basic Workflow for NDACo Step 1: Extract current GIS data from DES’ copy of the aggregated database Step 2: Identify changes between previous dataset and new dataset Step 3: Verify that GIS changes meet requirements Step 4: Insert/Update/Delete GIS data in the production copy of the NG9-1-1 database Step 5: Submit MSAG change requests as necessary Step 6: Publish standardized version of the NG9-1-1 database for consumption

21 GIS Workflow Activity (cont.) Basic Workflow for Consumer (e.g. Vendor, PSAP) Step 1: Download/Extract NG9-1-1 database from public portal Step 2: Configure GIS layers for software deployment Step 3: Deploy GIS data to software products (CAD, Mapping, etc.)

22 Converting GIS to MSAG

23 GIS to MSAG How does it work? DirStreetSuffixSufDirLowHighO/ECommunityStateESN VALLEYAVE500529BBURLINGTONND4377 WALLACESTS300309BBURLINGTONND4377 WILLOWST19BBURLINGTONND4377 19THAVENW61546430EMINOTND4375 19THAVENW65006630EMINOTND4375 24THAVENW63006420BMINOTND4375

24 GIS to MSAG How does it work? Step 1: Merge Law, Fire and Ambulance Layers into a single layer (ESZs) Step 2: Assign each of the ESZs an ESN Step 3: Assign ESN left and ESN right values to the Road Centerlines Step 4: Use automated tools to create the MSAG Sounds easy but in order for the automated tools to work…

25 GIS to MSAG How does it work? (cont.) Road Centerlines must be broken at emergency service boundaries Road Centerlines must be broken at jurisdictional boundaries Emergency service boundaries must be coincident with road centerlines Road Centerline addressing must be extremely clean, no address overlaps Community assignment on Road Centerlines is critical to ensuring high match rates with carrier databases Addressing anomalies exist and have to be accounted for (e.g. community islands)

26 Primary Objective with GIS in the near term? Create workflows so that an agency only has to manage its GIS data to keep the existing E9-1-1 system operational. Soon there will be no need for an agency to maintain MSAG records separately. The workflows we are establishing now for E9-1-1 database maintenance will work for NG9-1-1 when GIS data is ready across the state and all PSAPs are on the same 9-1-1 database platform. Get all agencies into a maintenance workflow that works best for them based on their needs and resources.

27 Questions?

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