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Web Based Syllabus Template Ezra Krumhansl Chief Information Officer.

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Presentation on theme: "Web Based Syllabus Template Ezra Krumhansl Chief Information Officer."— Presentation transcript:

1 Web Based Syllabus Template Ezra Krumhansl Chief Information Officer

2 Selecting a solution  Faculty and course development staff requested a “user friendly” tool for creating a syllabus  After asking what was wrong with Microsoft Word, a search for potential solutions revealed very few options.  We looked hard at SALSA an open source solution developed at Utah State The code on github had some limitations and the professor behind SALSA wanted to charge for access to the source code.

3 Selecting a solution cont’d  We really did look at using Word and InfoPath and Sharepoint  With our list of requirements, we determined that we would have to build a syllabus software.  Some of the requirements we were asked to include were: pull course info from ERP, keep revision history, follow accessibility standards, and create archive of syllabi

4 Tools Used  Built on.NET in C# to run on a Windows Server  Bootstrap web design platform (  Text editor WYSIHTML  Connects to Ellucian using the Ellucian Web API to pull course information

5 Development and Testing  Many faculty participated in the development and testing  Faculty who came to “Collaboratory” – faculty course development center on campus – were used as pilot for developing syllabus  Usually faculty cut and paste information from old syllabus to Syllabus Assistant  A number of changes were requested during testing

6 Make It Feature Rich  After launching the Syllabus Assistant Site, many new features were requested:  Impersonate a user  Share editing with another person  Tabbed Syllabus  PDF Version of Syllabus  Allow users to create templates  Copy syllabus forward to new course

7 Other enhancements  Password protection  Lengthen “time out”, some faculty left edits too long without saving so changes were lost  We added a login prompt if a session timeout to pick up where they left off  There is also a warning about time out when it is approaching

8 Other Considerations  Standardizing syllabi helps part-time faculty who have never created a syllabus  Students appreciate consistency in format  Creating a repository of syllabi will help with departmental and SACSCOC accreditation  Archiving syllabi will help faculty teaching a course for the first time or if a faculty member is replaced at the last minute

9 Login Screen

10 Home Menu


12 Icons

13 Sharing Syllabus

14 Create Template

15 Add Editor or Password Protect

16 Questions?  If you would like source code or have questions Ezra Krumhansl 502-873-4545

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