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What is the volume of a cylinder that has a radius of 3 cm and a height of 10 cm? Volume = πr 2 x h V= 3.14x (3cm x 3cm) x10cm V=282.6 cm 3 3cm x 3cm =

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Presentation on theme: "What is the volume of a cylinder that has a radius of 3 cm and a height of 10 cm? Volume = πr 2 x h V= 3.14x (3cm x 3cm) x10cm V=282.6 cm 3 3cm x 3cm ="— Presentation transcript:

1 What is the volume of a cylinder that has a radius of 3 cm and a height of 10 cm? Volume = πr 2 x h V= 3.14x (3cm x 3cm) x10cm V=282.6 cm 3 3cm x 3cm = 9cm 2 9.0cm 2 X 3.14 28.26 cm 2 x 10 cm 282.6cm 3 r= 3cm h= 10cm

2 Aim – Why do things float or Sink?

3 Buoyancy Buoyancy is the force in a liquid or gas that pushes upwards. The opposite of gravity! Buoyancy Gravity A Nun Buoy

4 Matter can have Positive buoyancy - it floats Negative buoyancy – it sinks Neutral buoyancy – it “Flinks”

5 Positive Buoyancy The force of buoyancy is greater than the force of gravity!

6 Negative Buoyancy The force of gravity is greater than the force of buoyancy!

7 Neutral Buoyancy The force of gravity is equal to the force of buoyancy!

8 Fluids with Different Densities (fluids include liquids and gases) 1.0 g/cm 3 13.5 g/cm 3 0.00018 g/cm 3

9 Sink or float in Water (1.0 g/cm 3 )? 1.Silver……………………….10.40 g/cm 3 2.Douglass fir……………….0.56 g/cm 3 3.Submarine ………………. 1.0 g/cm 3

10 Sink or float in Water ? 1.Salt………………………….2.200 g/cm 3 2.Maple………………………0.69 g/cm 3 3.Ebony……………………..1.20 g/cm 3 4.ZBT ………………………….1.00000009 g/cm 3 5.XBT …………………………0.99999999 g/cm 3

11 Sink or float in Gasoline (0.72 g/cm 3 )? 6. Balsa………………………0.12 g/cm 3 7. Maple………………………0.69 g/cm 3 8. Ebony……………………..1.20 g/cm 3 9. White Pine…………………0.43 g/cm 3 10. ABT …………………………0.72 g/cm 3

12 A sphere has a volume of 38.2 cm3. If it flinks in water, what is its mass?

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