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Historical Investigation Report Additional Instructions.

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Presentation on theme: "Historical Investigation Report Additional Instructions."— Presentation transcript:

1 Historical Investigation Report Additional Instructions

2 What is a Historical Investigation Report? A report that demonstrates your research process Six parts – Plan of Investigation – Summary of Evidence – Evaluation of Sources – Analysis – Conclusion – Bibliography

3 Due Wednesday 1.Make Google Document titled “Last Name – Historical Investigation” 2. Share document w/ Ms. Rickard 3. Type up Part A: Plan of Investigation 4. Find secondary source (use Questia!) 5. Complete Part B: Summary of Evidence with your secondary source Three categories: Historical Context, ____’s Significant Ideas, and Immediate Impact of _____’s Ideas Write notes in your own words, in complete sentences Bullet point each note Cite each bullet point

4 Part A: Plan of Investigation To what extent did ___(name)__’s ideas support change, 1600-1815? This investigation seeks to analyze the extent to which _(name)_ and his/her beliefs supported change during the __(time period)_. Part B of this investigation will summarize the historical context, _(name)__ ideas, and the immediate impact of these ideas. Part C will evaluate __(source 1)___ and ___(source 2)___. Part D will analyze the impact of ___(name’s)___ ideas on the time period. Part E will present a conclusion based on all of the evidence presented.

5 Time Periods Age of Absolutism Age of Enlightenment French Revolution & Age of Napoleon

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