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KCM & Proterra WSTA Vehicle Maintenance Meeting October 7, 2014.

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Presentation on theme: "KCM & Proterra WSTA Vehicle Maintenance Meeting October 7, 2014."— Presentation transcript:

1 KCM & Proterra WSTA Vehicle Maintenance Meeting October 7, 2014

2 BBS, FE & HR Electric Bus Project  Project Goals  Could a battery bus replace the 40’ diesel  Little or no impact on current service  R & D project

3 BBS, FE & HR Electric Bus Project  Design Expectations  Heavy-duty transit bus  Not connected to an external power supply  Minimal or no interruption to regular 40’ service  Minimal or no interruption to regular base maintenance operation

4 BBS, FE & HR Criteria  Operations  Typical layover time: 10 – 15 min  Distance per trip: 25 – 30 miles  Charging can not interrupt service  Minimal driver interaction to recharge

5 BBS, FE & HR

6 Routes 226 & 241  These two routes are interlined and operate in a circular pattern between Eastgate P&R and the Bellevue Transit Center.  18.25 mile loop  Layover at Eastgate P&R

7 BBS, FE & HR Route 221 & 248  Route 221 operates between Eastgate P&R and Redmond Transit Center.  18.9 miles one way  Layover at Eastgate P&R  Layover at Redmond Transit Center  Route 248 could operate out of Redmond Transit Center  Layover timing with other routes

8 BBS, FE & HR Criteria  Vehicle Maintenance  Twelve year bus  No fossil fuels: APU, auxiliary heater etc.  Operate all hotel loads  Little impact to vehicle servicing  Base infrastructure requirements

9 BBS, FE & HR Two Battery Philosophies  Long Range Slow Charge  Pros & Cons  Operation  Maintenance  Short Range Fast Charge  Pros & Cons  Operation  Maintenance

10 BBS, FE & HR Other Section Impacts  Design & Construction  On street charging  Base charging  Scheduling  Change layover locations  Service Development/Planning  Other groups?

11 BBS, FE & HR Proposers  BYD – Long range, slow charge  New Flyer – Long range, slow charge  Proterra – Short range, fast charge  All others dropped out  Design Line, E-Bus, Nova, Skoda

12 BBS, FE & HR Selection  Experience operating battery buses  Base infrastructure  Impact operating 25 to 100 buses/base/Rts  Impact operating 100 to 250 buses/base/Rts

13 BBS, FE & HR Base Charging  Long Range Slow Charge  Pro – Mileage  Con – Slow charge, 50 KW to 300 KW  Bus fleet of 100 would need 5 MW to 30 MW  Impact to service development  Short Range Fast Charge  Pros – Fast charging, minor base impact  Cons – Limited range, charge station no.  Impact to service development

14 BBS, FE & HR




18 TPI Builds the Body  Providence, Road Island  Start with a plug (mold)  Kits are laid out  Different sheets of fiberglass, carbon fiber, Kevlar & balsa wood  Vacuum sealed and resin is drawn into the fiberglass structure.

19 BBS, FE & HR Body Structure

20 BBS, FE & HR Composite Body Strength

21 BBS, FE & HR Axle Mounts

22 BBS, FE & HR Axle Mounts

23 BBS, FE & HR ProDrive/Air System

24 BBS, FE & HR Pro-drive

25 BBS, FE & HR ProDrive/Air System

26 BBS, FE & HR

27 KCM Battery Bus

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