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1 Assertion-Evidence Slide Examples TED Style Slide Examples Title Slide Example Mapping Slide Example Conclusion Slide Example Templates to Build Your.

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Presentation on theme: "1 Assertion-Evidence Slide Examples TED Style Slide Examples Title Slide Example Mapping Slide Example Conclusion Slide Example Templates to Build Your."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Assertion-Evidence Slide Examples TED Style Slide Examples Title Slide Example Mapping Slide Example Conclusion Slide Example Templates to Build Your Own Slides! 2 – 4 6 – 7 9 11 13 – 14 5, 8, 10, 12, 15 - 17 Contents of This Template

2 SLNs consist of three basic ingredients: solid lipids, emulsifier and water Solid Lipids Emulsifier Water []

3 Galactic disks grow from the inside out Inner disk: old stars, formed early Outer disk: young stars, formed later

4 4 H - ions and electrons are pulled out of a plasma by a strong electric field p+p+ H-H- e-e- H2+H2+ H3+H3+ e-e- H-H- A strong electric field extracts negative charges and accelerates them to 45 keV Electrons are separated from the H - beam by a magnetic field H - ions are produced in a hydrogen (H 2 ) plasma 45 kV

5 5 Supporting photograph, drawing, diagram, film, or graph—no bulleted lists Call-outs, if needed: no more than two lines In an assertion-evidence slide, the headline is a two-line sentence stating the main message of the slide


7 1.2 million 500,000 are diagnosed with cancer each year lose their battle

8 Name Institution Date Replace this box with key image to introduce talk’s scope, importance, or background Replace with your Logo Title of Presentation in Initial Capitals: 36 Points, Calibri Bold

9 Resource Assessment & Tidal Farm Optimisation Based on PDE-Constrained Optimisation 6. November 2014 ICOE 2014, Halifax Simon Funke

10 10 Topic 1 Image for Topic 1 Topic 2 Image for Topic 2 Topic 3 Image for Topic 3 This presentation focuses on… (complete sentence, but go no more than two lines) Image for Topic 4

11 This talk presents an approach for automatic avalanche detection from optical satellite imagery Pixel based classification based on texture filters Object extraction and description Object classification

12 12 1 – 2 Sub points could go here, or Presenter contact info or website Image that supports conclusion Questions? In summary, this sentence headline states the most important assertion of the presentation Logo

13 13 Bars and spiral arms induce radial stellar migration through resonances. Questions? In summary, stars can be significantly rearranged during a galaxy’s lifetime

14 In summary, SLNs touch critical aspects of our everyday lives Pharmaceuticals and Cosmetics Food Agriculture Questions?

15 Insert sentence assertion here 15

16 Insert sentence assertion here 16

17 Insert sentence assertion here 17

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