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Presentation on theme: " Copyright ©2011 Customer Carewords Ltd. Telecom websites: Helping customers help themselves."— Presentation transcript:

1 Copyright ©2011 Customer Carewords Ltd. Telecom websites: Helping customers help themselves March 09, 2011 Mark Crowley, Scott Smith, Gerry McGovern


3 Capital Cities Of Canada Large Metro Area Cities Populated Area Places

4 Slow Links Get Answers Slower Unimportant Information Idiot Base Not Find An Answer UFAQS Infinity & Beyond

5 © 2011 - Customer Carewords Ltd. 17 July 2015 5    

6 © 2011 - Customer Carewords Ltd. 17 July 2015 6

7 © 2010 - Customer Carewords Ltd. 17 July 2015 7

8 © 2011 - Customer Carewords Ltd. 17 July 2015 8

9 Copyright ©2011 Customer Carewords Ltd. Telecom websites: Helping customers help themselves Webinar Mark Crowley

10 Two problems appear on many Telco sites Both cause customers to think too much and work too hard to complete tasks 1. There is too much choice 2. Bad headings, categories and links hinder task flow © 2011 - Customer Carewords Ltd. 17 July 2015 10

11 Copyright ©2011 Customer Carewords Ltd. Issue 1: Too much choice is a bad thing

12 © 2011 - Customer Carewords Ltd. 17 July 2015 12 © 2011 - Customer Carewords Ltd. 17 July 2015 12 Where does the customer start? 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

13 © 2011 - Customer Carewords Ltd. 17 July 2015 13 © 2011 - Customer Carewords Ltd. 17 July 2015 13 Fewer choices, but another system?

14 © 2011 - Customer Carewords Ltd 17 July 2015 14

15 Need to step back and consider what customers need … and how those needs align with company’s goals for site Customers are task-driven so find the ‘top tasks’ and support them Adding systems is not the answer © 2011 - Customer Carewords Ltd 17 July 2015 15

16 © 2011 - Customer Carewords Ltd. 17 July 2015 16 Clear task-focused categories are a good start

17 © 2011 - Customer Carewords Ltd 17 July 2015 17 Three tasks starting right on the main page 1 2 3

18 Copyright ©2011 Customer Carewords Ltd. Issue 2: Lack of clear headings or categories, clutter

19 © 2011 - Customer Carewords Ltd 17 July 2015 19 Confusing headings, categories

20 © 2011 - Customer Carewords Ltd 17 July 2015 20 No obvious prioritization of content

21 © 2011 - Customer Carewords Ltd 17 July 2015 21 Hard to read

22 © 2011 - Customer Carewords Ltd 17 July 2015 22 Clutter inhibits task progress

23 © 2011 - Customer Carewords Ltd 17 July 2015 23 Categories, language, lack of clutter

24 Copyright ©2011 Customer Carewords Ltd. Case Study: Telenor, Norway Netlife Research Oslo, Norway

25 © 2011 - Customer Carewords Ltd 17 July 2015 25

26 Telenor site project – 87% reduction of pages Total pages reduced from 4,000 to 500 Emails to customer service down by 40% (key channel) Customer satisfaction ratings substantially higher © 2011 - Customer Carewords Ltd 17 July 2015 26

27 Telenor site project – 87% reduction of pages Staff understand pages better, can refer customers Fewer choices for customers, easier to find answers Less content to maintain © 2011 - Customer Carewords Ltd 17 July 2015 27

28 © 2011 - Customer Carewords Ltd 17 July 2015 28

29 © 2011 - Customer Carewords Ltd 17 July 2015 29

30 Copyright ©2011 Customer Carewords Ltd. Webinar Scott Smith Neo Insight Inc. Take My Account. Please!

31 17 July 2015 31 These Google results show that My Account is a top task for many service providers © 2011 - Customer Carewords Ltd.

32 17 July 2015 32 As users get accustomed to managing bank accounts and bill-paying online, perhaps they are getting comfortable with managing other accounts online © 2011 - Customer Carewords Ltd.

33 17 July 2015 33 Sign in My Account Log in Log on My Account Log in Log on © 2011 - Customer Carewords Ltd.

34 Improve the My Account experience Let your customer sign in right away Let customers use web behaviour patterns Don’t take users out of their account Fix the usability of your bill Measure task-completion 17 July 2015 34 © 2011 - Customer Carewords Ltd.

35 Copyright ©2011 Customer Carewords Ltd. Let your customer sign in right away

36 17 July 2015 36 © 2011 - Customer Carewords Ltd.

37 17 July 2015 37 © 2011 - Customer Carewords Ltd.

38 17 July 2015 38 © 2011 - Customer Carewords Ltd.

39 17 July 2015 39 © 2011 - Customer Carewords Ltd.

40 17 July 2015 40 © 2011 - Customer Carewords Ltd.

41 17 July 2015 41 © 2011 - Customer Carewords Ltd.

42 Copyright ©2011 Customer Carewords Ltd. Let customers use web behaviour patterns

43 17 July 2015 43 From Jakob Nielsen’s Alertbox: © 2011 - Customer Carewords Ltd.

44 17 July 2015 44

45 45 17 July 2015 © 2011 - Customer Carewords Ltd.

46 17 July 2015 46

47 17 July 2015 47 People trust people Go to your customers’ people if you want them to come to you © 2011 - Customer Carewords Ltd.

48 Copyright ©2011 Customer Carewords Ltd. Don’t take the user out of their account 17 July 2015 48

49 17 July 2015 49 © 2011 - Customer Carewords Ltd.

50 17 July 2015 50 © 2011 - Customer Carewords Ltd.

51 17 July 2015 51 © 2011 - Customer Carewords Ltd.

52 17 July 2015 52 © 2011 - Customer Carewords Ltd.

53 Copyright ©2011 Customer Carewords Ltd. Fix the usability of the bill 53

54 17 July 2015 54 © 2011 - Customer Carewords Ltd.

55 17 July 2015 55 Explaining your bill is a good thing … BUT… Will people spend more time on the web trying to read something that is hard to read on paper? © 2011 - Customer Carewords Ltd.

56 17 July 2015 56 If your bill is hard to read putting it on the web is not going to make things better Fix your usability problems Don’t try to train customers to cope with them © 2011 - Customer Carewords Ltd.

57 Copyright ©2011 Customer Carewords Ltd. Measure task-completion 57

58 17 July 2015 58 Easy to reach Best choice In Task Identification voting, these rank highly: is my best choice is easy to reach Which describes your experience with us? Great for sales! Great customer service! © 2011 - Customer Carewords Ltd.

59 17 July 2015 59 Easy to reach Best choice Which describes your experience with us? But … NOT great if customers cannot complete their task © 2011 - Customer Carewords Ltd.

60 17 July 2015 60 Did you complete the task you came to do? Which describes your experience with us? Easy to reach Best choice We ask if people completed the task they came to do People’s priorities are different if they did not complete their task: They are less likely to say you are their …best choice …. and … They are more likely to prioritize that you are …easy to reach Completed Did not complete Completed Did not complete © 2011 - Customer Carewords Ltd.

61 17 July 2015 61 Completed Did not complete Completed Did not complete Did you complete the task you came to do? Which describes your experience with us? Easy to reach Best choice Customers who cannot complete their task on your website are more likely to: a)Choose a competitor b)Phone your call centre

62 Improve the My Account experience Let your customer sign in right away Let customers use web behaviour patterns Don’t take users out of their account Fix the usability of your bill Measure task-completion 17 July 2015 62 © 2011 - Customer Carewords Ltd.

63 Copyright ©2011 Customer Carewords Ltd. Thank you! 63 Scott Smith Mark Crowley Gerry McGovern

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