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Published byGabriel George Modified over 9 years ago
Areas of collaboration Matrix on shared areas of work-specify roles and responsibilities – Marine work – Air quality – Climate Change Adaptation – Species Management – Knowledge management – Protected areas management – Effectiveness for systems/interventions to curb wildlife crime (what indicators do we use for that) 2
Strategic Objective :Climate change impacts effectively managed Performance indicator BaselineTarget 2013/14Target 2017/18 Long term target and date Long Term Adaptation Scenarios for South Africa Implementation plan developed and baseline research completed into three sectors: Water Agriculture Commercial forestry Biodiversity and ecosystems Baseline research for climate scenarios, impact scenarios, economic cost assessment and adaptation options in five sectors : Urban Settlement Rural Settlement Coastal Settlement Commercial forestry Health Disaster management and risk reduction Long-term Adaptation Scenarios for SA completed for 8 sectors, and including: Medium and Long term climate scenarios Impact scenarios Climate Change Adaptation Options Economic Impacts Recommendations and practical adaptation responses National Climate Change Adaptation Strategy for SA No specific time-bound long term target SAWS INPUT Number of disaster risk reduction applications implemented Refine SWGS for SADCOne application developed & implemented for Southern Africa Refine Severe Weather warning System for SA Website for SWGS for Southern Africa implemented with 2 new applications supporting SADC countries. 4
Strategic Objective :Climate change impacts effectively managed Performance indicator BaselineTarget 2013/14Target 2017/18 Long term target and date Number of sector plans aligned with the National Climate Change Response Policy Scoping Report to support policy alignment for adaptation Mainstreaming Climate Change Interventions into 3 sector plans: Water Agriculture Biodiversity & Ecosystems Guideline for mitigation plans Mainstreaming of mitigation action in 4 sectoral policies & plans Mainstreaming Climate Change Adaptation into 8 sector plans: Water Agriculture Health Human Settlement (Urban/ Rural/Coastal ) Disaster risk Management and Reduction No specific time-bound long term target 5
Strategic Objective :A fair contribution to the global effort to stabilise GHG concentrations in the atmosphere facilitated Performance indicator BaselineTarget 2013/14Target 2017/18 Long term target and date Number of sector mitigation potential and impact studies conducted Two Interventions: Mapping existing relevant research, planning and and modelling process Initial mitigation potential analysis for 5 sectors finalised Updated mitigation potential and impact studies conducted for 5 sectors (Energy, Industry, Transport, Agriculture and Forestry, and Waste) National sinks assessment and carbon sinks atlas finalised 2050 Pathways Calculator Reduced total emissions of CO2 by 34% reduction of Business As Usual by 2020 and 42% by 2025 – Copenhagen Accord 2009 – Carbon budget/tax interface Initial sectoral socio- economic and environmental impact studies finalised for 5 sectors Draft National Sinks assessment 2050 Pathways Calculator finalised 6
Strategic Objective :A fair contribution to the global effort to stabilise GHG concentrations in the atmosphere facilitated Performance indicator BaselineTarget 2013/14Target 2017/18 Long term target and date Number of Climate Change Response Policy interventions implemented 3 interventions. Mitigation potential and impact studies for the energy, industry, transport, agriculture and forestry and waste sectors 3 climate change response policy interventions: Report on Initial desired emission reduction outcomes for five sectors Report on initial mix of policies, measures and instruments for 5 sectors (including carbon budgets) 1 Regulation to list GHG as priority pollutants under the Air Quality Act to provide the legal framework for mitigation plans 4 climate change response policy interventions: Desired emission reduction outcomes (DEROs) for 5 economic sectors finalized Mix of measures for achieving the desired emission reduction outcomes in 5 economic sectors (including carbon budgets) finalised GHGs listed as priority pollutants under the Air Quality Act to enable mandatory mitigation plans SA’s emissions trajectory defined and updated Reduced total emissions of CO2 by 34% reduction of Business As Usual by 2020 and 42% by 2025 – Copenhagen Accord 2009 – 7
Strategic Objective :A fair contribution to the global effort to stabilise GHG concentrations in the atmosphere facilitated Performance indicator BaselineTarget 2013/14Target 2017/18 Long Term Target and Date Number of sector plans aligned with the National Climate Change Response Policy Mainstreaming recommendations on two plans Guideline for mitigation plans Mainstreaming of mitigation action in 5 sectors Recommendations on mainstreaming of mitigation actions in 5 sectors Reduced total emissions of CO2 by 34% reduction of Business As Usual by 2020 and 42% by 2025 – Copenhagen Accord 2009 – Number of near term climate change response flagship programmes co- ordinated and facilitated. Report that outlines criteria for South Africa’s climate change response flagship programmes describes the existing mitigation and adaptation projects within the key identified flagship categories. Framework for implementation of 3 flagships, facilitated: waste management Public works flagship adaptation research Framework developed as outlined in the NCCRP (analysis of mitigation or adaptation outcomes; local sustainable development benefits; reporting format). Framework for implementation of 4 flagship programmes completed: Waste management Energy Efficiency Transport Renewable Energy No specific time bound long term target 8
Strategic Objective : Effective knowledge and information management for the sector Performance indicator BaselineTarget 2013/14Target 2017/18 Long Term Target and Date Number of environmental knowledge and information management systems/tools developed and implemented/ operational Mainstreaming recommendations on two plans Draft CC Response M&E System published Reduced total emissions of CO2 by 34% reduction of Business As Usual by 2020 and 42% by 2025 – Copenhagen Accord 2009 – SAWS INPUTS Quarterly data availability reports on national climate data Quarterly data availability report on national climate data Continuous monitoring and provision of Trace Gas data reports Report on availability of Trace Gas data in the world data centres Quarterly MINMEC and bi- annual cabinet report submitted Report on availability of Trace Gas data in the World Data Centers Report on availability of Trace Gas data in the World Data Centers. 9
Strategic Objective : Cleaner and healthy air Performance indicatorBaselineTarget 2013/14Target 2017/18 Long term target and date National Air Quality Indicator 1.1451.1401.30 NAQI less than 1 - means 100% compliance to current ambient air quality standards by 2025 Number of air quality monitoring stations reporting to SAAQIS 63 72 (68 government owned) 95 air quality monitoring stations reporting to SAAQIS All government owned monitoring stations reporting live to SAAQIS and all monitoring stations reporting to SAAQIS by 2020 SAWS INPUT Highveld priority area air quality station transferred to SAWS as per project plan (SAAQIS Phase I) and monitored through the SAAQIS website AQ data archived as agreed with DEA 5 Highveld priority air quality stations operated, managed and maintained by SAWS and monitored through SAAQIS website Air Quality Information is accessible through the SAAQIS web site. SAWS INPUT SAWS to please add on Vaal monitoring network 10
Strategic Objective : Cleaner and healthy air Performance indicatorBaselineTarget 2013/14Target 2017/18 Long term target and date AQA Regulatory Framework developed and implemented 3 interventions: NEM: AQA (39 of 2004) Review Initiated Air Quality Management Framework Reviewed Promulgation of Regulations/Notices (Ambient, S21,Aviation, Dust, S23 2012 National Framework for Air Quality Management published in the gazette Draft Emissions Offset Policy for AQM submitted for approval S23 – Mobile Asphalt Declared as Controlled Emitters 2 interventions ( 2012 National Framework review and Aviation Tariffs) AQA Regulatory Framework fully implemented by 2020 11
Strategic Objective : Cleaner and healthy air Performance indicatorBaselineTarget 2013/14Target 2017/18 Long term target and date Air Quality Management Tools Developed and Implemented SAAQIS Phase II system architecture developed SAAQIS Phase II finalized (emissions inventory system). SAAQIS Phase I and II under implementation SAAQIS Phase III under development National Atmospheric Emission Inventory System fully operational by 2015/16. SAWS INPUT SAAQIS Phase II fully developed, implemented, tested, maintained and enhanced Implementation of SAAQIS phase II according to plan SAAQIS Phase II NAEI tested and rolled over nationally SAAQIS Phase II developed and implemented according to plan. 2 draft strategies developed (vehicle emissions and dense low-income) 2 Priority Area AQMPs under implementation (Highveld and Vaal Triangle Airshed) Phase III of dense low-income strategy and Phase III of vehicle emissions strategy implemented 100% national compliance to current ambient air quality standards by 2025 2 Priority Area AQMPs under implementation (Vaal and Highveld) 1 Priority Area AQMP under development (Waterberg-Bojanala) Vaal Triangle AQMP under review Draft Vehicle Emissions Control Strategy compiled and Implementation Task Team established 3 National Priority Area AQMPs implementation / reviewed: Highveld & Vaal Triangle under review Waterberg under implementation 12
Focus Areas/ Objective: Focus Areas/ Objective : Strengthened science programmes for integrated oceans and coastal management Performance Indicator: Number of Observational platforms contributing to an Ocean and Coastal Observation and Monitoring Network BaselineTarget 2013/14 Target 2017/18Long Term Target DEA contribution Entity/Entities’ contribution Other role players’ 3 Observational platforms deployed and maintained 4 Observational platforms deployed and maintained 12 Observational platforms deployed and maintained Fully functional Ocean Research, Observation and Early Warning System implemented. Deployment, maintenance, design of the Observational System and management of data. SAWS plays a role in data management, dissemination of warnings and projections of scenarios. Institutions of Higher Education, DST, DAFF, DoT,. NGOs, Science Councils. Integrated Ecosystem Project undertaken on the West Coast. 2 Ecosystem process studies undertaken per annum Ecosystem management process and plan for the entire SA EEZ. Ocean scientific investigations and data collection of all parameters. SAWS is involved in coastal atmospheric observations and provision and management of data. CSIR, DST, Universities and Universities of Technology. 3 relief voyages undertaken Maintaining Antarctica as a place of peace, stability and cooperation and conducting science Logistic support to continued access to SANAE, GOUGH and Marion bases Conduct Research at Marion and SANAE bases. SAWS collect Meteorological data at the three bases and deploy NOAA Oceanographic observation. DIRCO DST CSIR SANSA Universities DPW DEFENCE 14
Strategic Objective : Organisation wide compliance with all applicable national and international regulatory frameworks. Performance indicator : Integrated marine business case developed, approved and implemented BaselineTarget 2013/14 Target 2017/18 Long term target DEA Contribution Entity/ Entities contribution Other role players Draft integrated marine business case Approved integrated marine business case Improved ocean observations in the adjacent observations for forecasting and research, specialized maritime weather services for commercial clients Quality observations, forecasts and improved understanding of the modulation of South African weather and climate by the surrounding oceans, Agulhas current and ocean circulation (climate change) Research collaboration, Transport logistics, Instrument deployment Meteorological data collection, processing, information dissemination and research CSIR, UCT, UKMO, SANSA 15
Strategic Objective : Organisation wide compliance with all applicable national and international regulatory frameworks. Performance indicatorBaseline Target 2013/14 Target 2017/18 Long term target and date Quarterly RTH data availability report Quarterly RTH data available report Quarterly RTH data availability report Quarterly RTH data availability report. Operational Tsunami early warning system for SA Refine Tsunami early warning system for SA by testing receipt of warning messages by Disaster Management Centre, Council for GeoScience and other stakeholders Tsunami early warning system for SA operational and tested in collaboration with National Disaster Management Centre & Council for Geo Science with report on disseminated Tsunami warnings. Percentage availability of requisite skills within employee budget 80% composite recruitment plan finalised 80% of requisite skills and competencies available Percentage of Bursaries absorbed by SAWS in critical strategic areas. At least 62% uptake of graduates in critical scientific and technological areas At least 62% uptake of graduates in areas of business need 17
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