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Andrea Pisent INFN Italy
Drift Tube Linac Andrea Pisent INFN Italy April 21, 2015
Overview DTL design Production critical steps Critical interfaces
Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare (Italy)
Schedule Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare (Italy)
Technical performances (SoW)
The DTL (Drift Tube Linac) cavity is constituted of 20 modules, assembled in 5 tanks, composed of 4modules each, for a total length of approximately 40 m. This profile describes the life cycle phases of the DTL regardless of the responsibilities assigned to contributors of this Scope of Works. DTL design Manufacturing and test of components Assembly, low power test and tuning of each tank. Transport and Installation in the ESS tunnel in Lund Check out and RF conditioning to full power Beam commissioning in two steps, beam dump after tank 1 and tank 5 Operation with the other Accelerator components (and neutron production target). This scope of work describes the points from 1. to 6. First tank CERN-INFN prototype Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare (Italy)
DTL Input Constraints (after the design update in 2013)
Requirement Target value Comment Particle type H+ H- are possible Input energy 3.62 MeV +- 50 keV Output energy 90 MeV Input current 62.5 mA Peak, (2.86 ms long with a repetition rate of 14 Hz) Input emittance 0.28 mm mrad Transverse RMS normalized 0.15 deg MeV Longitudinal RMS Emittance increase in the DTL <10% Design Beam losses <1 W/m Above 30 MeV RF frequency MHz Duty cycle <6% Peak surface field <29 MV/m 1.6 Ekp RF power per tank <2.2 MW Peak, dissipated+beam load, including Module length <2 m Design constraint Focusing structure FODO Empty tubes for Electro Magnetic Dipoles (EMDs) and Beam Position Monitors (BPMs) to implement beam corrective schemes PMQ field <62 T/m Lund _12_02 Audit
Beam dynamics Uniform input distribution ∆𝜀 𝑥,𝑦 =2%, ∆𝜀 𝑧 =1%
Max Gradient ~61.6 T/m FODO lattice ∆𝜀 𝑥,𝑦 =2%, ∆𝜀 𝑧 =1% Uniform input distribution FODO – 2 pmq lengths – BPM and steerers – equipartitioned design – tune depression>0.4 – design done with uniform input distribution Lund _12_02 Audit Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare (Italy)
DTL design Tank 1 2 3 4 5 Cells 61 34 29 26 23 E0 [MV/m] 3.00 3.16
3.07 3.04 3.13 Emax/Ek 1.55 φs [deg] -35,-25.5 -25.5 LTank [m] 7.62 7.09 7.58 7.85 7.69 RBore [mm] 10 11 12 LPMQ [mm] 50 80 Tun. Range [MHz] ±0.5 Q0/1.25 42512 44455 44344 43894 43415 Optimum β 2.01 2.03 1.91 1.84 Beam Det [kHz] +2.3 +2.0 +1.8 Pcu [kW] (no margin) 870 862 872 901 952 Eout [MeV] 21.29 39.11 56.81 73.83 89.91 PTOT [kW] 2192 2191 2196 2189 2195
DTL Selected technologies
DTL normal conducting, PMQ focusing, internal BPM and steering dipoles for orbit correction, space for additional beam instrumentation in the tank transitions. With this architecture the beam dynamics is very smooth, with short focusing period, to fulfill the emittance increase requirement. The mechanical stiffness and geometrical accuracy is guaranteed by the thick stainless steel tank, and by the DT positioning system (CERN patent). Key mechanical technologies High precision machining qualification of small parts, (DT) by CMM and large pieces (tank) (laser tracker, arm..) E-beam welding (Zanon, CERN….) Vacuum brazing (in house) Copper-plating of large tanks (two possible providers, CERN and GSI) CMM machine at INFN Padova Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare (Italy)
Mechanical Design TANK (304L stainless steel)
internal Cu plating on finished surface internal Cu plating on finished surface (Ra 0,8) high stiffness support MASTER GIRDER (EN AW5083 Al alloy) Precise positioning of the DT stem axis in steel bushing SLAVE Helicoflex Vacuum tightness at stem/tank interface Brazed joint Rough sleeve 316LN Sep. cylinder 304L Rough DT body CuC2-OFE Beam pipe Steerer (cables not represented) Tank has function of master it is in ssteel internally cu-plated-girder has funciont of precise positioning of dt stem. Vacuum tighteness is provided at stem-tank and modules interface by helicoflex. 4 kind of DTs. DTs containing beam components are based on brazing tech with final ebw after insertion of beam component. Steerer inserted from bottom side of DT and semicylinderebw. Lund _12_02 Audit
DTL sub-systems and interfaces
Pumps Valves gauges RF network RF couplers RF pick ups Movable tuners and controllers (TCP/IP prot.) Control system Water cooling skid Water cooling distribution Local Control system (vacuum, cooling) Steerer Power Supply Support Alignment refs INFN COOLING SYSTEM Spoke section MEBT RF window Heat exchanger Valve RF SYSTEM Diagnostic Intertanks BPM signals BCT inside DTL end flange Valve Vacuum SYSTEM
Interfaces 1 Cooling skid with 5 three-ways valves
Intertanks and tank covers Pick-up and movable tuners RF windows and supports Vacumm manifold Lund _12_02 Audit
Prototypes and high power test (planning and results)
Lund _12_02 Audit
PMQ Rare earth block specifications (Sm2Co17):
Error Br < 3% Error an Angle < 2deg Dimension tolerances < 0.05mm – 0.1mm Br=1.1 T → Simulated Gradient=65 T/m Assembly specifications: Housing Material - Stainless Steel (316LN) Outgassing rate per magnet below mbar l s-1 Gradient integral error (rms) % Magnetic versus geometric axis: < 0.1 mm Harmonic content at 10 mm radius: Bn/B2 for n=3,4,...10: < 0.01 Roll: 1 mrad Goal: define assembly criticalities verify feasibility of specifications define magnetic measurement bench and procedure tunability of PMQ Company qualification Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare (Italy)
PMQ Rare earth block specifications (Sm2Co17):
Error Br < 3% Error an Angle < 2deg Dimension tolerances < 0.05mm – 0.1mm Br=1.1 T → Simulated Gradient=65 T/m Assembly specifications: Housing Material - Stainless Steel (316LN) Outgassing rate per magnet below mbar l s-1 Gradient integral error (rms) % Magnetic versus geometric axis: < 0.1 mm Harmonic content at 10 mm radius: Bn/B2 for n=3,4,...10: < 0.01 Roll: 1 mrad Goal: define assembly criticalities verify feasibility of specifications define magnetic measurement bench and procedure tunability of PMQ Company qualification Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare (Italy)
Prototypes: PMQ Vacuum test
final pressure similar to the background value. Larger amount of H2O, H2, O2, C02 These cannot be determined if they are from the AISI frame or from the PMs. PMQ has been designed, machined (Stainless steel body) and assembled by INFN. Measured at cern it demonstrates to be compliant with specification. Vacuum test performed at LNL shows not particular problems (final pressure, higher contents of, spike at 3.5 hours) Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare (Italy)
Prototypes: PMQ The PMQ prototype built and assembled at INFN-Torino has been measured with a rotating coil at CERN The integrated gradient is 63.7 T/m and the harmonic content is lower than 1% at 7.5 mm radius PMQ has been designed, machined (Stainless steel body) and assembled by INFN. Measured at cern it demonstrates to be compliant with specification. Vacuum test performed at LNL shows not particular problems (final pressure, higher contents of, spike at 3.5 hours) Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare (Italy)
Prototypes: BPM and EBW test
BPM: strip-line already brazed, waiting for coaxial feed-trough from USA Mapper at LNL BPM: brazed stripline at lnl. Waiting for coaxial feedtrough from usa company to be ebw on stripline. Mapper with micrometric motors and support for DT with BPM at LNL. Possible weak point recognized on the EBW to be performed just on the brazing joint. First verification by simulation (hot spot rotating around the joint with CERn ebw parameters). Furtermore an order for testing in a dedicated Dt prototype have been placed at Zanon. Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare (Italy)
Result of brazing and e beam welding test
EBW on Brazing possible weak point (T ebw > 1100°C, Tbrazing =850 °C) Simulation shows non problem (Power_EBW=1800 W, v=12mm/s, spot volume=1mm3, brazed point < 650°C) Tests have proven vacuum tightness and integrity (EDM slice) ebw brazing Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare (Italy)
High Power test @ LNL Magic tee
2 solid state amplifiers 125 kW-CW each, 352 MHz. Control system developed for multiple coupler feeding. Waveguides and circulator at LNL. IFMIF high power test stand now ready will be readapted. High power DTL prototype from Linac4-CERN (peak power 180 kW, 10% duty cycle, E0=3.3MV/m) agreement KN2155/KT/BE/160L between CERN and INFN-LNL 3 drift tubes will be replaced by ESS drift tubes containing instrumentation + 1movable tuner for frequency control. Ready for test in summer 2015 (delay of 6 moths due to amplifier delivery) Magic tee Final test will be an High power Rf test on the linac4 dtl prototype. We will use 2 solid state amplifiers. DT prototypes will be substitutes in the DTL.
Prototype schedule Deliverable no. Deliverables Delivery Deadline 1
Design, purchasing and installation of BPM test stand at INFN-LNL. 30/10/2014 2 Prototype production of a permanent magnet quadrupole (PMQ). Complete characterization of PMQ at CERN test bench. 30/11/2014 3 Prototype production of a BPM and Steerer to be installed in proper DTs. 30/03/2015 Construction and assembly of three complete DT prototypes with PMQ, with BPM and with steerer. Installation of DT prototypes in Linac4 DTL prototype. 30/05/2015 4 Design and construction of a movable tuner. 31/03/2015 5 Modification of the test stand used for IFMIF in order to test ESS components. 6 Tests of DT and tuner at nominal power and duty cycle (the DTL prototype developed by CERN and INFN-LNL will be used). 31/06/2015 3/6 months delay for prototyping. Dts have been machined but we are going to use 2 of them fot the EBW test, they will be destroyed for inspection. Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare (Italy)
Production sequence (TBC by CDR)
Forged cylinders production, tank machining, copper plating. Girder and other components, CMM and vacuum tests… Production of the beam components (PMQ, BPM, dipole steerers) Production of vacuum, support and inter-tank components DT Brazed structure production (with cooling circuit tested) Integration of the beam component in the DT E-beam welding sealing, final tests on DTs Assembly of the module (2 m), installation and alignment of the DTs Assembly of the tank (4 modules), alignment, machining of the adaptation rings for relative position, tuning, tuners, ports, vacuum test,… Installation and alignment of the tanks in the tunnel, installation of the intertank plates Installation of vacuum, cooling, RF couplers…. NOTE 1-6 al INFN site, 7-8 DTL workshop at Lund, 9-10 in the tunnel 1-6 at LNL or in Italy Then deliver to lund and done in the dedicated workshop Finally after installation in the tunnel Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare (Italy)
site requirements for DTLW
The DLTW is a "clean" and quite environment, temperature controlled (+1 deg over 30 min for bead pulling, +4 deg over the year). About 13x 10 m is necessary for the assembly of the tank, separate space will be used for possible storing of assembled tanks. The DTLW should be a closed part of a larger building, or in any case there should be a convenient entry space (for structures) before exiting outdoor (at least 10x8 m); such space can be shared with other labs; it is useful sometimes the possibility to enter this space with small vans or tracks. A small vestibule for people (about 2x2 m) is required. A slow crane at least 3 tons inside the workshop for the assembly of the tank is needed. The DTLW should be not far from the tunnel, a strategy to move the 8 tons tank into the tunnel will be defined by ESS. Mechanical workshop for small interventions and adjustments should be accessible, electrical supply and compressed should be available. Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare (Italy)
Preliminary Schedule 2014: conceptual design
Q1 2015: completion of critical prototyping phase April 2015 Integration on site meeting June 2015 CDR 2015: technical design phase, detailed drawings, tender for rough material : construction (sequence: tank ) : assembly and tuning (sequence: tank ) : installation and conditioning in the tunnel of tank Installation conditioning and beam commissioning of tank 1 in the tunnel Installation and conditioning of tank 2 beam commissioning of the 5 DTLs Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare (Italy)
DTL organization at partner lab
Andrea Pisent (WU coordinator, LNL) Francesco Grespan (deputy coordinator, LNL) Paolo Mereu (Mechanics design, Torino) Michele Comunian (Beam dynamics, LNL) Carlo Roncolato (Vacuum system and brazing, LNL) Marco Poggi (Beam instrumentation, LNL) Mauro Giacchini (Local Control System, LNL, TBD) LNL Bologna Torino Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare (Italy)
Major Procurements Tank forged material (stainless steel)
OFE Copper parts Stainless steel parts RF windows Movable tuners Vacuum valves Intertank boxes Copper plating Tank machining Drift Tubes machining E-beam welding BPM production Steerer dipoles (design, production) PMQ (material, machining, field test) Supports Cooling skid and cooling circuit components Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare (Italy)
Top risks Beam performances in beam commissioning (61 tubes in tank 1 and final). DT alignment. DT production (QA, mainly dimensions, vacuum and water tightness). Copper plating quality Intertank integration Logistics: assembly of the tank in the DTW, transport to the tunnel….. RF conditioning Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare (Italy)
Next Six Months CDR Completion of mechanical specs and production drawings Completion of critical prototypes Forged tank procurement for the 1st module Launch the RF window procurement Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare (Italy)
Summary The DTL is a large and complex part of the ESS linac. Respect to the successful Linac4 CERN we shall have higher energy and duty cycle. The overall linac performances are crucially determined by the quality of the DTL realization. The DTL design has been optimized for best beam performances, the main technological choices are been tested with prototypes. In June we shall have the CDR, necessary to launch the first procurements. Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare (Italy)
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