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01 Mai 2003 01 Mai 2003 Lise-Marie Beaulaton Pierre-Guillaume Ladure Frédéric Sebban Edouard du Doré Jean-Charles Guy Best in France Project Mastère Management.

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Presentation on theme: "01 Mai 2003 01 Mai 2003 Lise-Marie Beaulaton Pierre-Guillaume Ladure Frédéric Sebban Edouard du Doré Jean-Charles Guy Best in France Project Mastère Management."— Presentation transcript:

1 01 Mai 2003 01 Mai 2003 Lise-Marie Beaulaton Pierre-Guillaume Ladure Frédéric Sebban Edouard du Doré Jean-Charles Guy Best in France Project Mastère Management de Grands Projets Val d’Europe

2 Mastère Management de Grands Projets Way of working… Internet Mastère Management de Grands Projets – Best in France Project Press Two interviews : M. BOREZET Francis, in charge of Vald’Europe installation M. BOREZET Francis, in charge of Vald’Europe installation Eurodisney S.C.A. Mme CALIN Françoise, in charge of the project communication Mme CALIN Françoise, in charge of the project communication M. OUSSET, deputy manager of EPA Marne-la-Vallée M. OUSSET, deputy manager of EPA Marne-la-Vallée Etablissement Public d’Aménagement (EPA)

3 Mastère Management de Grands Projets Topics Mastère Management de Grands Projets – Best in France Project French Support How to win? The Convention Val d’Europe History Best in France Project

4 01 Mai 2003 01 Mai 2003 Mastère Management de Grands Projets – Best in France Project Val d’Europe How to win? French Support Val d’Europe TheConvention History

5 Val-d’Europe Presentation A threefold mission : Tourism Business Residential Mastère Management de Grands Projets – Best in France Project How to win? French Support Val d’Europe TheConvention History

6 Urban Centre RER Commercial Centre Golf Résidential Theme Park

7 Summary of the project SOME NUMBERS THE PROJECT: –Total cost of the project: 700 millions € –1 milliard € per year = the direct or indirect added value induced by Val-d’Europe –25 000 jobs induced by the constructions. Mastère Management de Grands Projets – Best in France Project How to win? French Support Val d’Europe TheConvention History 2000 : opening of the international commercial centre 2005 : opening of the congress centre End of residential constructions 2001 : installation of the first companies 2002 : opening of Walt Disney Studios 2003 : commercialisation of the Arlington Business Park CHRONOLOGY 12/1997: Launch Val d’Europe UP TO 2015: –40 000 jobs –40 000 inhabitants –8 000 students

8 How to win? French Support Val d’Europe History TheConvention 01 Mai 2003 01 Mai 2003 History Mastère Management de Grands Projets – Best in France Project Best in France Project

9 Disney’s Goals Open a second theme park out of America after the Tokyo success in 1983 Exploit the Disney international development potential Accede to the European market Need to control park’s environment How to win? French Support History Mastère Management de Grands Projets – Best in France Project TheConvention Val d’Europe

10 Strategic advantages Mastère Management de Grands Projets – Best in France Project Well-connected city in many ways: - RER stations - direct access to Highway A4 - Over 40 daily TGV - 30 minutes from Orly Airport. Opened to its region, to Europe and the rest of the world. A diversified area: not only leisure but also business and residential activities. How to win? French Support Val d’Europe TheConvention History

11 FrenchGovernment Expectations French Government Expectations Mastère Management de Grands Projets – Best in France Project « Ile de France » development policy since 1965=> restore balance between the east and the west of the Parisian district Create a new town in the Parisian east Develop employment in this district Attract American assets in France Develop tourism in France Promote good relations between US and French Companies How to win? French Support History Val d’Europe French Support

12 Val d’Europe History TheConvention 01 Mai 2003 01 Mai 2003 The Convention Mastère Management de Grands Projets – Best in France Project How to win? French Support Best in France Project

13 The 1987 Convention Development of the 2000 hectares of the land near Marne La Vallée Not only the build of a theme Park but a major estate project Right for EuroDisney to carry out on the site for 30 years (ending in 2017) Program in 3 phases A legal and administrative scope with a strong public- private integration The corner stone of the project Mastère Management de Grands Projets – Best in France Project Val d’Europe History TheConvention How to win? French Support

14 SANSAN The Walt Disney Company French Authoriti es EPAEPA CONVENTION * Functions for each actor are described in the following slides. Mastère Management de Grands Projets – Best in France Project Actors of the Convention Val d’Europe History TheConvention How to win? French Support

15 Flow chart : A 2 part set-up Walt Disney Company French Authorities Convention SANEAP Euro Disney S.C.A Part 1 Analysis Part 2: Action 1987 2017 Mastère Management de Grands Projets – Best in France Project Val d’Europe History TheConvention How to win? French Support

16 The 1987 Convention Phase 1, finished in 1992, over 600 hectares : The theme Park, Disneyland Paris, Disney Village 7 hotels Highway interchange, RER and TGV stations Phase 2, launched on 9 December 1997: The second theme Park, Walt Disney Studios The Val d’Europe Shopping Center, and Downtown Phase 3 will be signed in May 2003: Further development of the urban, tourism and business center Mastère Management de Grands Projets – Best in France Project Val d’Europe History TheConvention How to win? French Support

17 How to win? French Support Val d’Europe History TheConvention 01 Mai 2003 01 Mai 2003 French Support Mastère Management de Grands Projets – Best in France Project Best in France Project

18 The strong French support !!!! Mastère Management de Grands Projets – Best in France Project How to win? French Support Val d’Europe History TheConvention Status of this project: public utility and general interest project proclamation Tax decrease: VAT from 18,6 to 7 % decrease of the local taxes Legal advantages: International arbitration procedure: Eurodisney and France are considered on the same level “Cooperation duty “ for the French Civil Service Financial contributions of the State, the District and the Department: Roads, electrical systems, water mains, RER/TGV stations Very attractive interest rate for a loan contract to the CDC bank

19 How to win? French Support Val d’Europe History TheConvention How to win? 01 Mai 2003 01 Mai 2003 Mastère Management de Grands Projets – Best in France Project Best in France Project

20 01 Mai 2003 01 Mai 2003 Mastère Management de Grands Projets – Best in France Project Best in France Project Methodology: the good question! The question is: how did the management of the Val d’Europe Project succeed in a multi-cultural environment? Where does the cross-cultural issues take place? relationships: 1. Disneyland Paris - French Public authorities 2. Disneyland Paris vs the Disneyland Company 3. DP-Final users of Val d’Europe 4. DP-neighbors of the city 5. DP-Companies willing to install at Val d’Europe 6. DP-Human resources Identify the main factors of success How to win? French Support Val d’Europe History TheConvention

21 01 Mai 2003 01 Mai 2003 Mastère Management de Grands Projets – Best in France Project Best in France Project Solution: -the 1986 law -the 1987 Convention With the arbitration threat, Contractors are doomed to succeed, solve problems, find consensus and agreement. -EPA France/EPA Marne, a close and durable partner Problem: How to build a fair and balanced very long term partnership between a private company and the public power in France? -simply impossible regarding the French public law! -Not understandable for Disney -What about a long term relationship with quite an unstable partner? DP vs French Public Authorities How to win? French Support Val d’Europe History TheConvention

22 DP vs French Public Authorities (2) 01 Mai 2003 01 Mai 2003 Mastère Management de Grands Projets – Best in France Project Best in France Project How to win? French Support Val d’Europe History TheConvention EPAMARNE-upstream the negotiations and prepared the French offer. A previous project of theme park-failed-they learned ->a relevant offer to Disney. Not a so natural interlocutor. Convince the new liberal French government. For M.Eisner, EPAMARNE was a reassuring asset… Within the frame of the convention, the relationship between DP and EPA Marne became the core of the private/Public partnership. DP vs EPAMARNE: Origins

23 01 Mai 2003 01 Mai 2003 Mastère Management de Grands Projets – Best in France Project Best in France Project DP vs French Public Authorities (3) How to win? French Support Val d’Europe History TheConvention EPA’s role to borrow money and buy the land to build all the infrastructures - political and social objectives to sell the equipped lands at cost price Relationship with Disneyland Paris Strong debate and negotiations upstream Total transparency vis à vis DP A third actor : the Walt Disney Company… Ending a conflict situation: 3 possibilities 3. You take the « better saying » option. Conclusion: a highly energy consuming relationship, but results are there. EPA does better than it would have without DP and reciprocally.

24 01 Mai 2003 01 Mai 2003 Mastère Management de Grands Projets – Best in France Project Best in France Project DP vs French Public Authorities (4) How to win? French Support Val d’Europe History TheConvention From conflicts to Win-Win situations, examples The Highway interchange of Grigny Defective. DP threatened to launch an arbitration procedure. The French Authorities gave EPA the budget to build a temporary Highway interchange. Unique. Disney: a fair partner Financial difficulties: bad conjuncture+high financial charges. Calling for the help of the French State? No pressure on employment Disney paid its bills alone. Disney’s priority on the land acquisition Instead of financial compensation, DP obtained a priority of acquisition on every land developed by EPAMARNE. A win win solution: a better guarantee of finding a buyer, an upstream control for DP. The RER Station If a deficit occurred for the RATP, shared with DP. The station has become profitable for the RATP. DP integrated the RER in its commercial packages and communication. It is good for the parks and Val d’Europe.

25 01 Mai 2003 01 Mai 2003 Mastère Management de Grands Projets – Best in France Project Best in France Project DisneylandParis vs the DisneylandCompany At the beginning, Americans trusted Americans. Rick Harrison, head of the Tourism products DP is American. The Val d’Europe European Team of DP won its autonomy thanks to its excellent achievements. Francis Borézet team has to find new investment projects. Ex: The superstore. But a very strong double-reporting process DC weighs on the relationship between EPA and DP  constant efforts to convince Corporate Disney How to win? French Support Val d’Europe History TheConvention

26 01 Mai 2003 01 Mai 2003 Mastère Management de Grands Projets – Best in France Project Best in France Project How to win? French Support Val d’Europe History TheConvention DP vs Final users of Val d’Europe DP vs French Neighbors A Val d’ Europe is not « Celebration » = Mickey City A long-term vision A prestigious team of architects Designed for the European citizens Involvement of DP: Neighborhood associations…The American touch… Eager to keep their power, but EPA represents the public voice Cannot block unilaterally a part of the project Security and environment issues A common interest:success of Val d’Europe for the jobs and tax return

27 DP is currently trying to attract companies for them to install their headquarters in Val d’Europe. Attract business partners such as Hotel groups. Reactions are positive. DP vs other Companies DP has very international Human resources. Nothing particular for an American Company in France: strong reporting processes, general use of English. DP vs and its HR 01 Mai 2003 01 Mai 2003 Mastère Management de Grands Projets – Best in France Project Best in France Project How to win? French Support Val d’Europe History TheConvention

28 01 Mai 2003 01 Mai 2003 Mastère Management de Grands Projets – Best in France Project Best in France Project A successful partnership: Achievements are above all the expectations Economic impact (1992): GDP=3 Billion of Euros. Social impact: 47000 jobs Impact on tourism: 2% of foreign tourist came to France for visiting EuroDisney Return on Public Investment (Phase 1) Less than 1 year for the French State Less than 10 years for the Department of Seine et Marne 20 years for the Region Ile de France Reaction of the Market: a very strong demand. Complete districts already sold Price of the square meter above the region usual prices. A strong factor of motivation for both DP and EPAMARNE teams, the two main actors of the success of Val d’Europe. How to win? French Support Val d’Europe History TheConvention

29 01 Mai 2003 01 Mai 2003 Mastère Management de Grands Projets Would this project have been so successful if Disney had been a French company? 01 Mai 2003 01 Mai 2003 Mastère Management de Grands Projets – Best in France Project Best in France Project

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