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Nirmal Bharat Abhiyan (NBA)
National Conference of Project Directors’ DRDA 9th July, 2012 Vigyan Bhawan, New Delhi
Rural Sanitation : Scale of the Problem
~60% of India’s 1.1 billion people still practice open defecation. ~58% of all open defecations in the world is in India. Problem particularly daunting in rural areas. Poor sanitation and hygiene leading causes of infant and child deaths. Every 30 seconds a child under five dies as a result of diarrhea. Poor health affects not only productivity but also school attendance, particularly for girl child. Women/girls are especially affected by lack of privacy from limited access to toilet facilities in schools and households. India loses USD 54billion (Rs. 24,000 crore) a year due to poor sanitation and hygiene (6.4% of GDP)
State-wise cumulative NBA achievement in IHHLs against project objectives
State-wise Total GPs and NGP awarded GPs
Comparison of Sanitation Coverage as per Census 2011 & NBA
State Name Census 2011 Sanitation Coverage as per NBA online ANDHRA PRADESH 34.90 77.07 ARUNACHAL PRADESH 55.70 61.13 ASSAM 61.50 54.56 BIHAR 18.60 32.86 CHHATTISGARH 14.80 55.80 D & N HAVELI 29.30 1.49 GOA 72.60 76.24 GUJARAT 34.20 81.59 HARYANA 57.70 96.04 HIMACHAL PRADESH 67.50 100.00 JAMMU & KASHMIR 41.70 27.70 JHARKHAND 8.30 42.37 KARNATAKA 31.90 69.73 KERALA 94.40 MADHYA PRADESH 13.60 76.37 MAHARASHTRA 44.20 71.31 MANIPUR 87.70 46.46 MEGHALAYA 56.90 68.91 MIZORAM 87.10 82.41 NAGALAND 77.70 60.54 ORISSA 15.30 53.89 PUDUCHERRY 40.40 12.60 PUNJAB 71.90 65.73 RAJASTHAN 20.10 58.68 SIKKIM 85.10 TAMIL NADU 26.70 78.11 TRIPURA 84.60 96.54 UTTAR PRADESH 22.90 81.76 UTTARAKHAND 55.00 78.04 WEST BENGAL 48.70 68.26 All India 32.70 68.15 ABC
Salient Features of Nirmal Bharat Abhiyan (NBA)
Annual identification of proposed Nirmal Grams in a phased manner based on defined criteria Whole GPs to be taken up for Nirmal Grams in a saturation mode Gram Panchayats with water availability in all habitations to be given priority GPs with higher sanitation coverage to be prioritised under NRDWP Priority also to Nutrition Focus Distts, Adarsh Grams and Minority concentrated districts Increased Central funding with increase of 133% in over previous year 5
Salient Features of Nirmal Bharat Abhiyan (NBA) cont..
Provision of incentive for Individual Household Latrine (IHHL) also to identified Above Poverty Line (APL) households restricted to all SCs/STs, Small and Marginal Farmers, Landless Labourers with Homestead, Physically Handicapped and Women Headed Households, and all BPLs Financial incentive to eligible categories of upto Rs 10,000 for IHHLs Rs 5500 TSC plus Rs 4500 MNREGS Additional provision of Rs. 500 for hilly and difficult areas to continueIncentivizing Convergence with MNREGS of upto 20 mandays for unskilled and 6 skilled man-days not exceedingRs 4500 for IHHLs. Also for Schools, AWs and SLWM ABC
Salient Features of Nirmal Bharat Abhiyan (NBA) cont..
Solid and Liquid Waste management (SLWM) in ‘project mode’ for each GP with financial assistance capped for a GP on number of households Cap of Rs. 7/12/15/20 lakh to be applicable for Gram Panchayats having up to 150/300/500/ more than 500 households on a Centre and State/GP sharing ratio of 70:30. Projects to be prioritized in identified GPs targeted for Nirmal status and those that have already been awarded Nirmal Gram Puraskar (NGP). Any additional cost requirement to be met by State/GP. All schools/anganwadis to be covered with toilet units by March 2013 Dedicated funding for capacity building of stake holders like Panchayati Raj Institutions (PRIs), Village Water and Sanitation Committees (VWSCs) and field functionaries for sustainable sanitation ABC
Salient Features of Nirmal Bharat Abhiyan (NBA) cont..
Greater role for SHGs/NGOs/civil society groups Intensified focus on IEC as also its evaluation for improved outcomes Capacity Building component to be a part of IEC which is up to 15 per cent of the project outlay and 2 per cent of that to be earmarked for Capacity Building All government buildings constructed with financial support of the Centre to have appropriate sanitation facilities as an integral part The date of implementation for the revised proposals to be with effect from ABC
Quantum of assistance Components Total incentive/Assistance(In Rs.)
Centre share(In Rs.) State share(In Rs.) Beneficiaries share(In Rs.) IHHL for Below Poverty Line households and Identified APLs 4600/-(5100/- for Hilly and difficult areas) 3200/-(3700/- for Hilly and difficult areas) 1400/- 900/- School toilet 35000/- (38500/- for Hilly and difficult areas) 24500/-(26950/- for Hilly and difficult areas) 10500/-(11550/- for Hilly and difficult areas) Anganwadi toilet 8000/-(10000/- for Hilly and difficult areas) 5600/-(7000/- for Hilly and difficult areas) 2400/-(3000/- for Hilly and difficult areas) Community Sanitary Complex 200000/- 120000/- 60000/- 20000/-
Identification of Nirmal Grams
S.N. State Name Total No.of GP GPs marked for Conjoint Approach to Water and Sanitation 1 ANDHRA PRADESH 21950 3279 2 ARUNACHAL PRADESH 1794 161 3 ASSAM 4016 86 4 BIHAR 8593 630 5 CHHATTISGARH 9858 156 6 D & N HAVELI 12 7 GOA 190 8 GUJARAT 14555 1405 9 HARYANA 6283 1644 10 HIMACHAL PRADESH 3245 1941 11 JAMMU & KASHMIR 4124 JHARKHAND 4631 136 13 KARNATAKA 5663 732 14 KERALA 1000 20 15 MADHYA PRADESH 23093 1449 16 MAHARASHTRA 28282 3850 17 MANIPUR 1261 122 18 MEGHALAYA 5564 1548 19 MIZORAM 760 40 NAGALAND 1110 142 21 ORISSA 6237 1118 22 PUDUCHERRY 71 23 PUNJAB 12845 4703 24 RAJASTHAN 9241 429 25 SIKKIM 167 26 TAMIL NADU 12619 1659 27 TRIPURA 1063 63 28 UTTAR PRADESH 52841 3305 29 UTTARAKHAND 7605 698 30 WEST BENGAL 3360 220 Grand Total :- 252033 29536 ABC
Issues Local strategies(IEC) to deal with different terrains, environments and socio-cultural groups Planned approach through regular meetings of SWSMs, DWSM & Village Water & Sanitation Committees Capacity building of PRIs /Govt functionaries/Block Resource Centres/Village Water & Sanitation Committees Construction of Toilets in Indira Awas Yojana Sustaining the habit and changed sanitary behaviour with proper monitoring including post-NGP ABC
Success Stories from States
Kerala : Hand book- ‘Thelima’: Kerala
A school sanitation and health work book for students from grade V to IX in association with SSA A 31 page hand book in simple language with topical illustrations.
Womens SHG mason : Madhya Pradesh
Sant Gadge Baba Clean Village Campaign
Channelising positive traditional beliefs and religion for promotion of Good Sanitation in Maharashtra
RSM : West Bengal Rural Sanitary Marts set up by SHGs for alternate delivery mechanism
Segregation of waste : Vellore, Tamilnadu
Setting up systems of waste management in rural areas Collection of household garbage
Segregation of Waste : Gujarat
Practices in Sanitary Complexes-Mizoram
Row toilets to take care of land constraints Bathing cubical as integrated approach to community sanitation Pay and use toilets for sustained operation & maintenance Employing Safai Karmacharis as care taker & operation & maintenance Renting out extended corner of community Sanitary Complex as shop to generate revenue for operation & maintenance.
Handwashing facilities in schools : UP
Force lift hand pump Hand washing facility -MDM
Ecosan Toilet ( example from Mussiri)
From Pongal (Harvest Festival) 15th Jan 2008 Those who use the toilets will be paid Ten paise per visit to ECCT on the basis of monthly card issued to user. The payment will be made to all cardholders who will be using the ECCT Sweet rice cooked in the Community toilet complex on harvest festival For the first time in the World Use Toilet, Get Paid !! Don’t flush the toilet ! No water, no smell !! Save Water, Save Health !!! ECOSAN TOILET
Anganwadi Toilets : Uttar Pradesh
Karnataka : School Sanitation, Mysore Model
Local expertise in design and construction achieved. Structures are cost effective conforming to standards. Not a contractor driven approach but a process driven approach. Project is led by an organization for propagating cost effective technologies in rural areas-Nirmiti-Kendra ABC
Sanitation is more important than Independence Cleanliness is next to Godliness Thank you ABC
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