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LUCIANO MONTI Adjunct Professor of European Union Policies LUISS Guido Carli University – Rome (IT)

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Presentation on theme: "LUCIANO MONTI Adjunct Professor of European Union Policies LUISS Guido Carli University – Rome (IT)"— Presentation transcript:

1 LUCIANO MONTI Adjunct Professor of European Union Policies LUISS Guido Carli University – Rome (IT)

2 2 (A) Representation of the financial industry and index B) New ways of representation in the financial market

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4 Sectorial relevance in the country labour market Number employes NACE Rev. 2 Section J (65-66-67) Number employes NACE Rev. 2 Section J (65-66-67) vs total country labour market Gross value added Financial business gross value added vs Country Gross value added prodution units NACE Rev. 2 Section J (65-66-67) Sectorial representation represented companies vs total companies in Number employes NACE Rev. 2 Section J (65-66-67) integrates services to customers and stakeholders 4

5 5 Domestic impact In the labour market Contribution to national gross value added Level of representation HighEquivalent or superior to 3,5% of total labour market 90% equivalent or superior to the average financial sector contribution to gross value added in EU27 countries 80% or more of financial comp. represented by the single association or at the whole. At least 10 keys services provided by the associations. MediumEquivalent or superior to 3% of total labour market 80% equivalent or superior to the average financial sector contribution to gross value added in EU27 countries 70% or more of financial comp. represented by the single association or at the whole or at least an association representing more of 90% of the companies of the sector. At least 8 keys services provided by the associations. LowLess than 3% of total labour market Less than 80% of the average financial sector contribution to gross value added in EU27 countries Less than 70% of financial comp. represented by the single association. Less than 8 keys services provided by the associations.

6 6 Germany France UK Spain Sweden Finland Poland Italy

7 7 DOCUMENTATION Reports Discussion papers Position papers Statistical outlooks MEDIA Press release Press review Multimedial tools and web News Newsletter Links SERVICES Agenda Relevant laws and regulations Glossary Training services Reserved areas

8 8

9 Gross value added of financial corporate business EU27 Gross value added of financial corporate business/ in the country vs whole Gross value added of financial corporate business EU 27 Insurance premiums collection and asset management country insurance premiums collection vs EU 27 insurance premiums collection whole market host country asset management vs EU asset management whole market Financial business labour market total employed in the financial sector vs country labour market 9

10 European impact Local banks asset relevance vs.EU27 total asset Local insurance premium market and % of EU27 value added of financial services Number of employees in the financial sector HighMore than 10% total EU27 asset More than 10% EU 27 insurance premium market More than 15% EU27 financial sector value added More than 1.000.000 MediumBetween 5% and 9%Between 5% and 9% EU27 insurance premium market Between 10% and 14% EU27 financial sector value added Between 1.000.000 and 500.000 LowLess than 5%Less than 5% EU27 insurance premium market Less than 10% EU27 financial sector value added Less than 500.000 10

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13 13 Germany UK France Italy Spain Poland Sweden Finland

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15 15 (FFFS and FeBAF are considered also in research A)

16 16 Respondent OrganizationsCountry City of LondonUnited Kingdom Federation of Finnish Financial Services (1) Finland Federazione delle Banche, delle Assicurazioni e della Finanza (1) Italy Frankfurt Main FinanceGermany Luxembourg for FinanceLuxembourg Munich Financial Centre InitiativeGermany Paris EuroplaceFrance Scottish Financial EnterpriseUnited Kingdom Spain Financial CentreSpain (1) considered also in research A

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19 150.000 euro 3 empl. 1.000.000 euro 10 empl. 10.000.000 euro 50/60 empl. 19

20 CMU, Financial regulation and structural reform Financial local market promotion stability and growth Data protection and digitalization Int. relations 20

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26 26 THANK YOU This presentation is avalaible here

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