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HISTOIRE DES ARTS From Gospel to Hip Hop: Jazz 3DP6.

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Presentation on theme: "HISTOIRE DES ARTS From Gospel to Hip Hop: Jazz 3DP6."— Presentation transcript:

1 HISTOIRE DES ARTS From Gospel to Hip Hop: Jazz 3DP6

2 New Orleans is the birthplace of jazz and the blues. The city was founded by the Spanish, and then taken over by the French until it was ultimately sold by Napoleon to the USA in 1803. Where was jazz born? New Orleans Who created the city? The Spanish What was the city second nationality? French When did it become American? In 1803 Who sold it? Napoleon

3 New Orleans, situated where the Mississippi River enters the Gulf of Mexico, was not like any other American city. While the USA people were divided into strict racial categories like white or black, in New Orleans there was an intermediate group: the Creoles, born of married white men having coloured mistresses. Which very large river is next to New Orleans? The Mississippi River How was American society? Racist What is a Creole? A person with mix-raced parents Where did Creoles live? In New Orleans

4 The Creoles lost their social position and their businesses because of racism, and had to live in the poor black parts of the city. There, they began to play with American and Caribbean blacks whose music had African tempo. The result was jazz. Who did the Creole play music with? The Blacks The black musicians went north to Memphis, Chicago and New York where they played the new music. This was a new world, a world for the young. Where did the musicians go? In the North, to Memphis, Chicago and New York


6 Try to memorize as many instruments as possible in a minute. Double bass banjo saxophone trumpet drums guitar trombone clarinet piano



9 Music style Origin /Date PlaceInstrumentsCharacteristicsPeople JAZZ Creole white music + black African music 1920s New Orleans (Mississippi) move North : Memphis, Chicago, New York City Double bass Saxophone Piano Trumpet Trombone Guitar Clarinet Drums Jazz clubs Charleston Louis Armstrong

10 Mme Garnier-Colas/ LP Pierre Doriole text adapted from Today in English, July & August 2005 and 2009 photo from Instrument poster from Posters_i2115121_.htm Posters_i2115121_.htm The charleston: Extract from the film « Cotton Club »: ttp:// Luis Prima:

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