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Western Switzerland Univ. of Appl. Sc., Yverdon-les-Bains Cognitics at the Salon des Inventions Genève Jean-Daniel Dessimoz Conférence de Presse à l’OMPI.

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1 Western Switzerland Univ. of Appl. Sc., Yverdon-les-Bains Cognitics at the Salon des Inventions Genève Jean-Daniel Dessimoz Conférence de Presse à l’OMPI 11 April 2012

2 Cognitics in Geneva - HESSO.HEIG-VD, West Switzerland University of Applied Sciences, Yverdon-les-Bains, 11 April 2012 2 Cognitics in Geneva Overview  Smart robots to help inaugurating the 40th Salon des Inventions  Cognitics and HEIG-VD and Piaget  B-Prize for Cognition

3 Cognitics in Geneva - HESSO.HEIG-VD, West Switzerland University of Applied Sciences, Yverdon-les-Bains, 11 April 2012 3 PfC-Y : Piaget-for-Cognitics In short  How to make smart systems, that change the world and human life?  Much has already been done by mankind, in terms of science and machines; in particular:  Robots  Information processing systems and techniques:  Computer technologies  Microelectronics  Communication devices and networks  Mankind now needs machines behaving with their own knowledge. Artificial cognition. Cognitics. Acting in the real world.  We keep developing Piaget as an important component for achieving this type of smart solutions. 

4 Cognitics in Geneva - HESSO.HEIG-VD, West Switzerland University of Applied Sciences, Yverdon-les-Bains, 11 April 2012 4 B-Prize for Cognition In short  The « MCS* » theory for cognition can be very beneficial for society. It should get widely disseminated.   This is the main goal for which the « B-Prize** » for Cognition is under preparation.   « B », like One Billion Swiss Francs  (this is roughly equivalent to 1 billion dollars or 1 billion Euros).   Soon more information !   Media people can get more information by sending a message with the header [B-Prize-Media], at the following address:  or ; the embargo date for detailed communication is currently planned for June or July 2012.   *MCS : Model for the Cognitive Sciences,  in English, more complete: Cognitics – the book,  en Français: Cognitique – le livre.   **One Billion Swiss Franc Prize for Cognition.  

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