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South Lakes High School May 29, 2015 What are you going to do with that?

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2 South Lakes High School May 29, 2015

3 What are you going to do with that?



6  Congress-Bundestag Exchange Congress-Bundestag Exchange  Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst  Austrian Database for Scholarships Austrian Database for Scholarships

7  Englisch-Lehrer in Deutschland und Österreich  Teaching English in Germany and Austria  Forschungsprojekte in Deutschland und Österreich  Research projects in Germany and Austria

8  For example: University of California  56 majors require or recommend German  43 majors – French  21 majors –Spanish  7 majors –Japanese

9 Academic programs requiring or recommending German:  Anatomy, Biochemistry, Biology, Biomedical Studies, Genetics, Molecular Biology, Physics  Linguistics, Logic and Methodology of Science  Art History, Music  Philosophy, Physiology, Religious Studies, Zoology.

10  German - a business and scientific language

11  Unschätzbar beim Studium der Philisophie, Literatur, andere Kunstfächer (Film, Musik, Architektur)  Invaluable to the study of philosophy, literature and the other arts(music and architecture.

12  Deutschland ist das st ärkste Land in Europa – politisch, finaziell, wirtschaftlich  Germany = most powerful country in Europe politically, financially, economically  Deutschland ist der fünftgrößte Handelpartner der USA  Germany = fifth largest trading partner of the U.S.  Deutsch ist eine wichtige Handelsprache in der EU und in Zentral- und Osteuropa  German = key business language in the European Union and in Central and Eastern Europe


14  Es gibt über 750 U.S. Firmen sind in Deutschland  750+ major U.S. firms in Germany.  über 1100 deutsche Firmen sind in den USA  1100 German companies in the U.S.  25% der ausl ändischen Touristen kommen aus deutsch-sprechenden Ländern  25% of foreign tourists in U.S. = from German-speaking countries

15  Deutsche Firmen in den USA zahlen ihren deutschsprechenden Angestellen mehr als anderen  German companies in the U.S. pay German-speaking employees premium salaries.  Jedes Jahr Machen hunderte von U.S. Studenten Praktika in deutschen Firmen in den USA und in Deutschland  Every year hundreds of American students complete internships with German companies in the U.S. and abroad.

16  German companies: Daimler-Benz, Volkswagen, Porsche, BMW, Puma, Adidas, Siemens, Bose, Miele, Lowenbrau.  Austrian companies: Swarovski, Atomic Skis, Red Bull  Swiss companies: Nestle, Swatch, TAG Heuer.

17 “I get this comment all the time from homeschooling parents. Why should my student take German. Spanish is so much more practical. I headed up a division of a publishing house and had resumes coming in all the time. The ones that had German..., Arabic, Chinese, etc (any of the languages considered "hard") went right to the top of the pile. I didn't need a language speaker, but the student who takes one of these languages has demonstrated that he/she is probably an independent thinker (since all his/her friends take Spanish), thinks outside of the box (same reason), probably has a good understanding of his/her own language, a good work ethic and discipline, and is intelligent. This is a skill set that I wanted in my team. There are several Spanish students who possess the same qualities, but there are also several who just go with the flow and take Spanish because it's "easier" or "all my friends are taking Spanish". German looks GREAT on a resume! … 

18 … Second, there are so many Hispanics applying for jobs that need Spanish speakers. What chance do I, as a McGuire, have against a Gomez or a Ramirez? While there are less jobs open for German speakers, there are also far fewer qualified applicants and I stand as good a chance as a Schneider or a Schmidt..” Jessie McGuire on Facebook site “Stand up for German by GLOW”

19  Department of Homeland Security  Department of Health and Human Services  Department of Commerce  Department of Energy

20  Uni Kassel/Uni Oldenburg: European Master in Renewable Energy  FHS Flensburg/Uni Kiel: Wind Engineering  Uni Stuttgart: Water Resources Engineering and Management  DAAD RISE (Research Internships in Science and Engineering) program

21 General Manager, Automotive Manufacturing and Engineering Supply Firm Academic Librarian (Cataloger) Academic Research Scientist Study Abroad Coordinator US Naval OfficerHigh School German Instructor Project Engineer | Operations Management Associate Automotive Engineering Intern

22  Middle school &high school = basis for German learning  continue on the university level  Interested in the sciences, arts, philosophy, …?  No problem Just add German

23 

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