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¡Conjuguemos los verbos de… -AR…!. First, we need to know the meaning of some important terms… VERB SUBJECT INFINTIVE VERB ENDINGS CONJUGATE.

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Presentation on theme: "¡Conjuguemos los verbos de… -AR…!. First, we need to know the meaning of some important terms… VERB SUBJECT INFINTIVE VERB ENDINGS CONJUGATE."— Presentation transcript:

1 ¡Conjuguemos los verbos de… -AR…!

2 First, we need to know the meaning of some important terms… VERB SUBJECT INFINTIVE VERB ENDINGS CONJUGATE

3 Verb: an action An example:  study

4 Subject: the person/thing that completes the action An example:  José is singing.

5 Do you remember the SUBJECT PRONOUNS? I yo you informal tú you formal usted he él sheella nosotros/as we vosotros/as you all all informal ustedesyou all formal ellos they ellas they

6 Infinitive: In English, it is defined as “to _____” In Spanish, the verb ends in AR, ER or IR. Some examples:  descansar= to rest  comer = to eat  escribir= to write

7 Conjugate: to change a verb from the infinitive [“to ___”] and add the appropriate verb ending so it matches the subject An example:  to talk = hablarI talk = yo hablo

8 Verb Engings for “ar” Verbs… o as a amos áis an yo tú usted, él, ella nosotros/as vosotros/as ustedes, ellos, ellas

9 3 Easy Steps for Conjugating! 1.STEM e s t u di a r ~ to study

10 2.Subject Yo b a i l 3 Easy Steps for Conjugating!

11 3.Ending Yo b a i l o (I dance) oamos asáis aan

12 ¡Practicamos! Usar – to use uso usas usa usamos usáis usan you use he, she, it, you (formal) use(s) we use you all (fam) use they, you all (formal) use I use

13 Conjugate! 1.hablar – yo 2.usar – Ud. 3.estudiar – ellos 4.descansar– tú 5.mirar – Paco y yo 6.escuchar - vosotros 1.Hablo I speak 2.Usa You (for) use 3.Estudian They study 4.Descansas You rest 5.Miramos We watch 6.Escucháis You all listen

14 Do we have to include the subject pronoun with the verb conjugation? No! Why not? Because the verb ending already tells us who the subject is. The subject pronoun can be added for extra emphasis.

15 3 Meanings… In the present tense, a conjugation in a sentence has 3 meanings. We “cross out” the words do, does, am, are, and is when translating. Tú escuchas. 1. You listen. 2. You do listen. 3. You are listening.

16 3 Meanings… In the present tense, a conjugation in a question has 2 meanings. ¿Nadas tú? 1. Do you swim? 2. Are you swimming?

17 Translate. 1.I am listening. (Yo) escucho. 2. Is she watching? ¿Mira ella? 3. We are using… (Nosotros) usamos 4. They aren’t studying. Ellos no estudian. 5. You arrive... (Tú) llegas 6.You all (inf) need (Vosotros) necesitáis How did we make #4 negative? Add “no” before the verb!

18 To Sum It All Up… 1.What are the verb endings? 2. What are the 3 steps to conjugating? 3. What can “Yo alquilo un DVD” mean? (3) 4. What can “¿Miras la tele?” mean? (2) 5. How do we make a sentence negative?

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