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Los Materiales Vocabulary Practice Kaylor Productions.

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Presentation on theme: "Los Materiales Vocabulary Practice Kaylor Productions."— Presentation transcript:

1 Los Materiales Vocabulary Practice Kaylor Productions

2 For this review you will need a piece of paper and a pencil. Read the English word or phrase. Write down the Spanish equivalent including an indefinite article. Check your work! Spelling counts and accents are a part of spelling. Click to the next slide to check your work. If you made a mistake write it three times correctly to cement the correct answer in your mind.

3 pen

4 un bolígrafo

5 dictionary

6 un diccionario

7 desk (teacher’s)

8 un escritorio

9 eraser

10 un borrador

11 bookbag

12 una mochila

13 bookstore

14 una librería

15 pencil

16 un lápiz

17 paper

18 papel una hoja de papel

19 window

20 una ventana

21 chalkboard

22 una pizarra

23 clock

24 un reloj

25 student’s desk

26 un pupitre

27 scissors

28 unas tijeras

29 poster

30 un cartel

31 map

32 un mapa

33 folder

34 una carpeta

35 colored pencil

36 un lápiz de color

37 magazine

38 una revista

39 bag

40 un bolso

41 book

42 un libro

43 pencil sharpener

44 un sacapuntas

45 calculator

46 una calculadora

47 ruler

48 una regla

49 chair

50 una silla

51 television

52 un televisor or una televisión

53 Cd player

54 un reproductor de CDs

55 door

56 una puerta

57 computer

58 una computadora

59 pencil eraser

60 una goma de borrar

61 table

62 una mesa

63 notebook/workbook

64 un cuaderno

65 lamp

66 una lámpara

67 radio

68 una radio

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