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Classroom presentations to accompany Understanding Earth, 3rd edition

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1 Classroom presentations to accompany Understanding Earth, 3rd edition
prepared by Peter Copeland and William Dupré University of Houston Chapter 13 Streams: Transport to the Ocean

2 Streams: Transport to the Ocean
Gary D. McMichael/Photo Researecher

3 Rivers and streams Stream : body of water flowing in a channel
The floor of the channel is called the bed. When rainfall is very heavy or snow melts rapidly, bodies of water overflow their banks and water covers the adjacent land called the floodplain.

4 Rivers and streams Carry away runoff to lakes and seas
Erode land (degradation) Transport and deposit sedimentary debris

5 Stream behavior Mostly determined by velocity and shape of channel.
These factors combine to allow either laminar or turbulent flow. Turbulent flow is much more erosive. Stream velocities may vary from 0.25 to 7 m/s.

6 Laminar flow Smooth sheet-like flow at a low velocity
Usually confined to edges and top of stream

7 Turbulent flow Irregular swirling flow
Occurs at most rates of stream flow Keeps particles in suspension

8 Laminar flow Fig. 13.1a

9 Turbulent flow Fig. 13.1b

10 Laminar to turbulent transition
Laminar flow Turbulent flow ONERA Fig. 13.1c

11 Streams move material in three forms
Dissolved load Suspended load Bed load (traction and saltation)

12 Sediment Transport Fig. 13.2

13 Saltation Fig. 13.3

14 Grain Size and Flow Velocity
Fig. 13.1

15 Stream terms competence: measure of the largest particles a stream can transport proportional to v2 capacity: maximum quantity of sediment carried by stream proportional to Q and v

16 Lower Velocities Form Ripples
Fig. 13.5a

17 Higher Velocities Form Dunes
ripples dune dune Fig. 13.5b

18 Pebbles Caught in Eddies Form Potholes
Fig. 13.6 Carr Clifton/Minden Pictures

19 Waterfall Retreating Upriver
Fig. 13.7 Donald Nausbaum

20 Parts of a River System Fig. 13.8

21 Two important stream types
1. Meandering Streams Gentle gradients, fine-grained alluvium Minimizes resistance to flow and dissipates energy as uniformly as possible (equilibrium) Examples: point bars,oxbow lake, migrating meanders

22 Two important stream types
2. Braided Streams Sediment supply greater than amount stream can support. At any one moment the active channels may account for only a small proportion of the area of the channel system, but essentially all is used over one season. Common in glacial, deserts, and mountain regions.

23 Incised Meanders, Utah Fig. 13.9 Tom Bean

24 Meandering River Over Time

25 Lateral migration by erosion at the outside. &
Lateral migration by erosion at the outside & deposition on the inside of the river Fig a

26 Meandering River Point Bar Fig Peter Kresan

27 Braided River Fig Tom Bean

28 Formation of Natural Levees
Fig. 13.1

29 Discharge Total amount of water that passes a
given point in a stream per unit time Q = w d v

30 Discharge Discharge (m3/s) = width (m)  depth (m)  average velocity (m/s) In the U.S., this is expressed as cubic feet per second (cfs): 1 m3/s = 35.9 ft3/s

31 River at Low Discharge Fig a

32 River at High Discharge
Fig b

33 Flooding Water in the stream is greater than the volume of the channel. Interval between floods depends on the climate of the region and the size of the channel/

34 City Built on a Floodplain
Xie Jiahua/China Features/Sygma

35 Recurrence interval Average time between the
occurrences of a given event The recurrence interval of a flood of a given size at a given place depends on: • climate of the region • width of the floodplain • size of the channel

36 Annual Flood Frequency Curve
Fig. 13.1

37 Longitudinal Stream Profile of the Platt and South Platt Rivers

38 Elevation at which a stream enters a large body of water such
Base level Elevation at which a stream enters a large body of water such as a lake or ocean

39 Role of Base Level in Controlling Longitudinal Profile of Rivers

40 Effects of Building a Dam Original Profile Graded to Regional Base Level
Fig a

41 Effects of Building a Dam Dam Forms New Local Base Level
Fig b

42 Effects of Building a Dam Deposition Upstream and Erosion Downstream
Fig c

43 Graded stream Stream in which neither erosion nor
deposition is occurring, due to an equilibrium of slope, velocity, and discharge.

44 Geologic evidence of changes in stream equilibrium
Alluvial fans Terraces: erosional remnants of former floodplains

45 Alluvial Fans Fig Michael Collier

46 Formation of River Terraces

47 Drainage divides separate adjacent drainage basins

48 Drainage basin Area of land surrounded by
topographic divides in which all the water is directed to a single point

49 Drainage Basin of the Colorado River

50 Typical Drainage Networks

51 Stream was present before deformation
Antecedant Stream Deformation causes gorge to form Stream was present before deformation Fig &b

52 A Superimposed Stream Downcutting causes gorge to form
Deformation occurred before stream was present Fig

53 Delaware Water Gap A Superimposed Stream
Fig c Michael P. Godomski/Photo Researchers

54 Location of significant sedimentation where a river meet
Delta Location of significant sedimentation where a river meet the sea.

55 Mississippi Delta Fig Landsat 2 image annotated by Moore, 1979

56 Typical Large Marine Delta

57 Shifting Mississippi River Delta Over the Past 6000 Years

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