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Definite Articles! Pg. 2 del paquete. The Definite Articles: A definite article is the equivalent of the word “the” in English. A definite article is.

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Presentation on theme: "Definite Articles! Pg. 2 del paquete. The Definite Articles: A definite article is the equivalent of the word “the” in English. A definite article is."— Presentation transcript:

1 Definite Articles! Pg. 2 del paquete

2 The Definite Articles: A definite article is the equivalent of the word “the” in English. A definite article is the equivalent of the word “the” in English.

3 The Definite Articles: The Definite Articles: In both English and Spanish, nouns name people, animals, places, or things. In both English and Spanish, nouns name people, animals, places, or things. All SPANISH nouns have a masculine or feminine gender: All SPANISH nouns have a masculine or feminine gender: El chico =the boy El chico =the boy La chica = the girl La chica = the girl El sombrero = the hat El sombrero = the hat La falda = the skirt La falda = the skirt

4 Definite Articles (“the”) Masculine singular =Feminine singular = Masculine plural =Feminine plural =

5 The Definite Articles: pg 56 El amigo: gender = masculine El amigo: gender = masculine number = singular number = singular What definite article do you need when you make the noun plural because you have more than one amigo? What definite article do you need when you make the noun plural because you have more than one amigo? ___________ amigos.

6 En los paquetes: The girl (Chica) ____________________ The girls _____________________ The boy (chico)_________________________ the boys ___________________ The car (carro) _____________________ The cars __________________ The man (hombre) _________________ The men ________________

7 The Definite Articles: When nouns identify ONE item, they are singular. When nouns identify ONE item, they are singular. The friend = 1 friend = el amigo The friend = 1 friend = el amigo The friend = 1 friend = la amiga The friend = 1 friend = la amiga Both “el amigo” and “la amiga” refer to 1 thing. Both “el amigo” and “la amiga” refer to 1 thing. “El amigo” is 1 masculine friend. “El amigo” is 1 masculine friend. “La amiga” is 1 feminine friend. “La amiga” is 1 feminine friend.

8 The Definite Articles: When identifying more than one item, the definite article is plural (more than 1): When identifying more than one item, the definite article is plural (more than 1): El amigo -> Los amigos = the friends (plural, masculine) El amigo -> Los amigos = the friends (plural, masculine) Juan, Carlito, and Sergio. Juan, Carlito, and Sergio. Santiago, Malena, Jose. Santiago, Malena, Jose. La amiga ->Las amigas = the friends (plural, feminine) La amiga ->Las amigas = the friends (plural, feminine) Patricia, Valentina, Tatiana Patricia, Valentina, Tatiana

9 The Definite Articles: Definite Article Noun Singular Masculine (one)ElThe Chico Boy Plural Masculine (more than one) LosThe Chicos Boys Singular Feminine (one)LaThe Chica Girl Plural Feminine (more than one) LasThe Chicas Girls MASCULINEMASCULINE FEMININEFEMININE

10 The Definite Articles: In Spanish, the definite article that goes with each noun will match its gender and number. (masc or fem) (how many= singular or plural) In Spanish, the definite article that goes with each noun will match its gender and number. (masc or fem) (how many= singular or plural) EXAMPLE Los sombreros = the hats GENDER = NUMBER = MASCULINE PLURAL

11 Indefinite Articles

12 In English, the equivalent of to indefinite article is “a” or “some.” In English, the equivalent of to indefinite article is “a” or “some.” Ex: Ex: A girl, some girls A girl, some girls A boy, some boys A boy, some boys

13 Indefinite Articles In Spanish, the indefinite article ALSO agrees with GENDER and NUMBER. In Spanish, the indefinite article ALSO agrees with GENDER and NUMBER. (masc/fem) (sing/plural) (masc/fem) (sing/plural) A boy = un chico Some boys = unos chicos A girl = una chica Some girls = unas chicas

14 Indefinite Articles (“a” or “some”) Masculine singular =Feminine singular = Masculine plural =Feminine plural =

15 INDEFINATE A girl ______________ Some girls _________________ A boy________________ some boys ___________________ a ladder _____________________ Some ladders __________________ a man _________________ some men ________________

16 Indefinite Articles Indefinite Article Noun Singular(one)UnA Chico Boy Plural (more than one) UnosSome Chicos Boys Singular(one)UnaA Chica Girl Plural (more than one) UnasSome Chicas Girls MASCULINEMASCULINE FEMININEFEMININE

17 Indefinite Articles Try these: Try these: 1.A hat __________________. 2.A respirator ___________________. 3.A friend (masculine)__________________. 4.A woman ____________________.

18 Indefinite Articles Try these: Try these: 1.Some friends (masc) _____________________. 2.Some pants ________________________. 3.Some men ________________________. 4.Some shirts _____________________.

19 Indefinite Articles Let’s mix them up! Let’s mix them up! 1. A crane________________________ 2. Some hammers ___________________ 3. Some safety boots_________________ 4. Some socks ___________________ 5. A hat ___________________

20 Def and Indef 1.The boys _____________________ 2.The girl ____________________ 3.A friend (fem) ____________________ 4.Some cranes ___________________ 5.The hammers _____________________

21 1. _____(a) camisa. 2. _______ (some) vestidos. 3. _____(a) sombrero. 4. _____(some) faldas.

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