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Spanish 2 Chapter 7A March 18th, 2015. e - ie Same rules apply! Regular -ar, -er, -ir endings BUT The e in the stem changes to and ie in the BOOT/STEM!

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Presentation on theme: "Spanish 2 Chapter 7A March 18th, 2015. e - ie Same rules apply! Regular -ar, -er, -ir endings BUT The e in the stem changes to and ie in the BOOT/STEM!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Spanish 2 Chapter 7A March 18th, 2015

2 e - ie Same rules apply! Regular -ar, -er, -ir endings BUT The e in the stem changes to and ie in the BOOT/STEM!

3 Preferir, pensar, querer preferir Prefiero preferimos prefieres xxx Prefiere prefieren querer Quiero queremos quieres xxx Quiere quieren pensar Pienso pensamos piensas xxx Piensa piensan

4 Examples : I prefer the blue skirt. Yo prefiero la falda azul. Juanita thinks it is purple Juanita piensa que es morada. We want to buy that black shirt. Queremos comprar esa camisa negra.

5 Let’s Kahoot!

6 Quiz e-ie stem changing/boot verbs P ensar Preferir Querer

7 Watch Stem Change Idol videos!

8 Begin 7A Test Review Clothing Vocabulary Demonstrative Adjectives e-ie Stem Changing Verbs Pensar, Preferir, Querer

9 Clothing Vocabulary Review On my weebly under Vocabulary and 7A and Quizlet Clothing Vocabulary Practice

10 Demonstrative Adjective Review This These That Those Masculine: este estos ese esos Feminine: esta estas esa esas

11 e-ie stem changing/boot verb review e-ie No change! XXX e-ie

12 Preferir, pensar, querer preferir prefieropreferimos prefieres xxx prefiereprefieren querer quieroqueremos quieres xxx quierequieren pensar piensopensamos piensas xxx piensapiensan

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