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Dos semanas más… (two more weeks) By: Alyssa Munch.

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2 Dos semanas más… (two more weeks) By: Alyssa Munch

3 Welcome to Spanish I Honors, or should I say Bienvenidos a la clase de Español! We’re going to start off by reviewing some of the basic phrases and vocabulary in Spanish… I will be taking a grade everyday for participation, so make sure you raise your hand as often as you can. Can anyone tell me the different forms of the verb “estar”?

4 Estoy, estás, está, estamos, están Excelente, señorita!

5 Do you have any idea what’s going on? Not a clue. This is going to be a loooong year. How come it seems like we’re the only ones that don’t know what’s going on? Because we are the only ones who don’t know what’s going on. Maybe tomorrow will be better. Let’s hope so.

6 Verb Tenses -o -amos -as -a -an You are all doing great with these verb tenses. We will only be reviewing this material for a little while longer and then we’ll move on to some newer, more advanced concepts.

7 Great. More advanced concepts when I don’t even understand these basic ones. Do you think we should talk to her? Maybe. Let’s talk to her after class.

8 Of course girls! What can I help you with? We were wondering if we should drop down to regular Spanish. I’m sorry to hear that you’re feeling so lost. Is there anything in particular that’s confusing you? Alright, I’ll make you girls a deal. In about two weeks, the students who are more experienced with Spanish will be faced with new material. The review will be over for them and you’ll all be back on the same playing field. If at the end of those two weeks you still feel overwhelmed, I’ll gladly sign the papers to let you drop down to regular Spanish. Dos semanas más, deal? Deal ! Umm…verbs, vocabulary, phrases. Pretty much everything we’ve learned. Well, we are having a really tough time in class. We kinda feel like everyone else is way ahead of us since we didn ’ t have much experience with Spanish before this class. Señora, can we talk to you about something? Deal !

9 Two weeks later…

10 Alright, this is a toughie. Can anyone tell me if the next verb should be a form of ser or estar? Today: Ser vs. estar

11 Estar. Muy bien, Alyssa. That was a difficult one. Dos semanas más!

12 Résumé Name:_______________ Major:_________________ Area of Concentration:_______________ Alyssa Munch Elementary Education Spanish Dos semanas más!

13 I went from a frustrated Spanish student to a future Spanish teacher all because I waited… Dos Semanas Más The end.

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