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Genomics for Triticeae improvement FP7 European Project.

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1 Genomics for Triticeae improvement FP7 European Project

2 Overview Achieve significant progress in Triticeae genomics and support efficient breeding of improved varieties for European agriculture European Seventh Framework Programme project (financed by the EC) Project duration: 4 years – From June 2008 to Mai 2012 Budget: 7,5 million Euro (5,3 million Euro supported by the EC) Project Coordinator: Catherine Feuillet (INRA) Activities: 5 research WPs, 1 WP for project dissemination and 1 WP for project management

3 Overview 17 partners (including 2 breeders) from 9 countries Public Private

4 Activities and WPs

5 WP1: Physical mapping Of wheat group 1 and 3 chromosomes Construction of BAC libraries Fingerprinting of BAC libraries Assembly of BAC contigs BAC libraries pooling from the MTP and rearraying for BES (by INRA-CNRGV) BAC end sequencing of the MTPs for marker development and genome analysis

6 WP1: Physical mapping Assembly of BAC contigs Chromosome 3B: assembly by INRA (France) Chromosome 3D: assembly of 3DS by IEB (Czech Republic), and assembly of 3DL by JIC (UK) Chromosome 1B: assembly of 1BS by HU (Israel), and assembly of 1BL by INRA (France) Chromosome 1A: assembly of 1AS by UZH (Switzerland), and assembly of 1AL by SU (Turkey)

7 WP2: Physical maps anchoring Of wheat and barley group 1 and 3 chromosomes Establishment of a marker repository: including only markers for which sequences are available Generating resources for high resolution genetic mapping: For wheat, creation of a population of CS x Re RILs of about 2000 plants. For barley, creation of Morex x Barke RILs. Anchoring BAC contigs to chromosomes by high throughput screening methods: forward and reverse anchoring Comparative genetic and physical mapping with other grass genomes

8 WP3: Gene isolation and new alleles discovery Isolate five agronomically important genes and QTLs (4 in wheat and 1 in barley) TraitSpeciesChr.Partner Stripe rust resistance YrH52Wild emmer wheat1BSHU Wheat quality (pentosan viscosity) PV-QTL Bread wheat1BLINRA Glume blotch resistance–3BS Bread wheat3BSUZH Grain yield QYld.idw-3BS Durum wheat3BSUNIBO Plant architecture (tillering) cul4 Barley3HUMIL

9 WP3: Gene isolation and new alleles discovery High-resolution mapping of the genes underlying the target traits Identification of candidate genes Functional validation of candidate genes New alleles discovery

10 WP4: Molecular markers for breeding WP leading by the breeding companies Development of trait specific markers: using markers from WP1 (BAC end sequencing) and WP2 Establishment of an European diversity panel for association mapping: panel contains 730 varieties (171 from UK, 178 from Germany and 381 from France) The data generated will be useful for all the chromosomes.

11 WP5: Bioinformatics tools and databases For wheat and barley Development of a web interface integrating genetics and physical maps Development of a new analytical framework for contig assembly: LTC (more robust than FPC) Development of comparative genome informatics tools: with Brachypodium, rice, sorghum, etc… Development of a new version of TriAnnot pipeline for automated sequence annotation

12 WP6: Dissemination, technology transfer and training Organisation of 9 training courses in the different partners instituts Development of the Project website Dissemination at scientific and technological events: talks/posters, production of a project leaflet and a poster

13 WP7: Project Management Scientific and technical management Administrative and financial management: organization of the different project meetings, monitoring of the project costs Communication and interactions between partners and other projects: establishment of a Collaborative Platform, interaction with the Triticeae Genomics Network (TGN) Technical and financial reporting to the EC : detailed reports that describe the work progress, costs incurred and other justifications for the reimbursement of project costs

14 UC Davis Kansas SU CSIC Viterbo U Modena U CRA-CER Foggia Murdoch U CSIRO UC Riverside Iowa SU Okayama U Minnesota SU CAAS Beijing CIMMYT MPI Cologne ACPFG A large network of international collaborators INTA UMB

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