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Università degli Studi di Cassino Facoltà di Scienze Motorie Lingua Inglese (3 CFU) a.a. 2011-2012 (Dott. Saverio Tomaiuolo) Welcome!

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Presentation on theme: "Università degli Studi di Cassino Facoltà di Scienze Motorie Lingua Inglese (3 CFU) a.a. 2011-2012 (Dott. Saverio Tomaiuolo) Welcome!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Università degli Studi di Cassino Facoltà di Scienze Motorie Lingua Inglese (3 CFU) a.a. 2011-2012 (Dott. Saverio Tomaiuolo) Welcome!

2 Verbo essere (To be) Verbo essere (To be)

3 Forma affermativa I am (Im) You are (Youre) He is (hes), She is (shes) It is (its) We are (were) We are (were) You are (Youre) They are (Theyre)

4 Forma Negativa I am not You are not (You arent) He is not (He isnt), She is not (she isnt), It is not (it isnt) We are not (We arent) You are not (You arent) They are not (They arent)

5 Forma interrogativa Am I.... a champion? Are you……tired? Is He…intelligent? Is She…nice? Is It…? Are We….interested in sport? Are You….unhappy? Are They…fine?

6 Il verbo to be si utilizza anche per indicare: -ETA (I am thirty-four) -ETA (I am thirty-four) ORARIO (its two twenty, its a quarter past five) ORARIO (its two twenty, its a quarter past five) DATE (Its July the fifth), DATE (Its July the fifth), TEMPO ATMOSFERICO (Its cold today; Its sunny and warm), TEMPO ATMOSFERICO (Its cold today; Its sunny and warm), STATO FISICO-PSICOLOGICO (Im fine, thanks; Theyre strong; Shes not well; Are you worried? etc…). STATO FISICO-PSICOLOGICO (Im fine, thanks; Theyre strong; Shes not well; Are you worried? etc…). ATTENZIONE: Avere freddo /caldo/ fame = To be cold / hot / hungry DIVERSO DA essere arrabbiato= to be angry ATTENZIONE: Avere freddo /caldo/ fame = To be cold / hot / hungry DIVERSO DA essere arrabbiato= to be angry Cè e ci sono si traduce there is e there are:Cè e ci sono si traduce there is e there are:

7 Esempi: Esempi: He is a good player He is a good player They arent respectful of the codes of behaviour. They arent respectful of the codes of behaviour. We are spinning trainers and what about you? We are spinning trainers and what about you? Are they in the same team? Are they in the same team?

8 Pronomi personali inglesi

9 Pronomi personali SOGGETTOPronomi Personali COMPLEMENTO Pronomi personali SOGGETTOPronomi Personali COMPLEMENTO IMe IMe YouYou YouYou He/She/ItHim/Her/It He/She/ItHim/Her/It WeUs WeUs YouYou YouYou TheyThem TheyThem I pronomi personali SOGGETTO si riferiscono allagente che compie unazione, mentre quelli OGGETTO a colui che la subisce. A differenza dellitaliano (sono con lui; siamo intelligenti, siete bravi), in inglese il pronome soggetto è sempre espresso: I work with him You are good with them.

10 Esempi: Esempi: I am with him and she is with them I am with him and she is with them Running is important for her Running is important for her Are they football players like us ? Are they football players like us ?

11 Deittici: this/these - that /those I deittici sono this/these (questo/questi), per indicare qualcosa vicino a chi parla e that/those (quello/quelli), per indicare qualcosa lontano da chi parla.

12 Esempi: Esempi: Is this the tapis roulant? Is this the tapis roulant? No, this isnt the tapis roulant. No, this isnt the tapis roulant. The tapis roulant is that (in funzione di pronome). The tapis roulant is that (in funzione di pronome). Are these the dumb-bells (manubri metallici; manubrio di auto=handlebar)? Are these the dumb-bells (manubri metallici; manubrio di auto=handlebar)? No, they arent. Those are the dumb-bells. No, they arent. Those are the dumb-bells.

13 Verbo avere (To have) Verbo avere (To have)

14 Forma affermativa I have (+ got) I have (+ got) You have (Youve) (+ got) You have (Youve) (+ got) He has, she has, it has (+ got) He has, she has, it has (+ got) We have (weve) (+ got) We have (weve) (+ got) You have (Youve) (+ got) You have (Youve) (+ got) They have (Theyve) (+ got) They have (Theyve) (+ got)

15 Forma Negativa I have not (I havent) (+ got) etc… I have not (I havent) (+ got) etc… You have not (You havent) You have not (You havent) He/she/it has not (hasnt) He/she/it has not (hasnt) We have not (We havent) We have not (We havent) You have not (You havent) You have not (You havent) They have not (They havent) They have not (They havent)

16 Forma interrogativa Have I….? (+ got) etc… Have I….? (+ got) etc… Have you……? Have you……? Has He/she/it…? Has He/she/it…? Have We….? Have We….? Have You….? Have You….? Have They…? Have They…?

17 ATTENZIONE: la forma to have + got è utilizzata in British English solo per indicare possesso. Si noti infatti: ATTENZIONE: la forma to have + got è utilizzata in British English solo per indicare possesso. Si noti infatti: To have (got) an apple, a car, a well-built body (un aggettivo + un participio passato) + body (sostantivo). To have (got) an apple, a car, a well-built body (un aggettivo + un participio passato) + body (sostantivo). To have a headache / stomach ache/ Toothache; To have a headache / stomach ache/ Toothache; To have breakfast / lunch, dinner etc.. = fare colazione, pranzare, cenare To have breakfast / lunch, dinner etc.. = fare colazione, pranzare, cenare

18 Esempi: I have (got) an old gym, but I havent the time to renew it. Have they (got) the running shoes? No, they havent them, but she has them with her. She can lend them

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