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Gustar… Saying things you like

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1 Gustar… Saying things you like
Unidad 3 Etapa 1

2 Gustar : to like We only use two forms of the verb to say that we like something. Third person Singular : gusta Third person Plural : gustan ONLY these two forms are used!!!

3 We use direct object pronouns to express who likes doing the activity.
Me : (it is pleasing) to me Te : (it is pleasing) to you Le : (it is pleasing) to him, to her, to you (usted form) Nos : (it is pleasing) to us Os (it is pleasing) to you (vosotros form) Les (it is pleasing) to them, to you (ustedes form)

4 So how do we put it together?
It sounds funny, but it’s structured like this: (to whom) (gusta or gustan) (activity or thing enjoyed) So if you have this: I like to ride my bike You ask: Who likes to do this? I (it’s pleasing to me , d.o.p: me) You ask: What is the activity? To ride my bike (andar en bicicleta) You ask: Is this singular or plural? Singular: we use gusta The sentence is: Me gusta andar en bicicleta.

5 So when is gustan plural?
Remember that it is based on the ACTIVITY, not on the person who likes the activity. It is plural when what is liked is plural. For instance: I like books. “Books” is what is liked. Therefore, we use gustan. Me gustan los libros.

6 What about when there are a list of activities?
If, for example, you want to say: I like to read, cook, ride my bike and talk on the phone. Even in a list of activities, you use a singular subject. Me gusta leer, cocinar, andar en bicicleta y hablar por teléfono.

7 Ok, I got it… I think. What next?
Practice time! Translate the following sentences to spanish using the correct pronouns and vocabulary. We like to watch movies. They like to go to the store. I like to ride my bike. You all (informal) like to go to the theater. The girls like to talk on the phone. The boy likes to play sports. Andrea likes to rent movies. Mario likes to watch television. Erin and I like to take pictures. They like to be happy.

8 Emphasis When stating that someone likes to do something, it is possible to add a phrase to clarify who we are talking about. For example: Le gusta caminar. We know this sentence means that he, she or you like to walk. By adding an emphasis or clarification phrase, we can tell who the sentence is about. A ella le gusta caminar. The “a” is the personal a, used in spanish before a person but not in english. “Ella” tells us who we’re talking about.

9 Every pronoun can be used for emphasis.
A mí me gusta… A tí te gusta… A él le gusta… A ella le gusta… A usted le gusta… A nosotros nos gusta… A vosotros os gusta… A ellos les gusta… A ellas les gusta… A ustedes les gusta…

10 Clarification (con’t)
Instead of a pronoun, it is possible to put the person’s name in the clarification phrase. For example: Mary likes to write. Le gusta escribir When clarifying, you can say: A ella le gusta escribir OR A Mary le gusta escribir

11 Practice time. Translate each sentence to spanish, adding a phrase for emphasis/clarification. I like to cook. We like to practice sports. They like to visit their friends. Andrew likes to walk his dog. Sarah and Edward like to read in the library. The girls like to go to English class. My mom likes to watch t.v. Zach and I like to go to the movie theater. You and Paul like to go shopping. You like to listen to a concert.

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