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¡Vámonos! Hoy es el veintidos de septiembre. TURN IN YOUR HOMEWORK BEFORE YOU START YOUR VAMONOS! (and pick up a new pasaporte) 1. List 3 supplies you.

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Presentation on theme: "¡Vámonos! Hoy es el veintidos de septiembre. TURN IN YOUR HOMEWORK BEFORE YOU START YOUR VAMONOS! (and pick up a new pasaporte) 1. List 3 supplies you."— Presentation transcript:


2 ¡Vámonos! Hoy es el veintidos de septiembre. TURN IN YOUR HOMEWORK BEFORE YOU START YOUR VAMONOS! (and pick up a new pasaporte) 1. List 3 supplies you need for la clase de matematicas. 2. Hay libros, diccionarios, lápices y papel. What class are you in? 3. NO hay libros o calculadoras. Hay borradores y marcadores. What class are you in?

3 Los anuncios Test corrections TODAY and TOMORROW after school from 3:15-4:15. I will leave at 4:15… so come early! Deficiency reports and phone calls… Tutorial on JUEVES from 3:15-4:15.

4 Nuestra Meta MLI.IP1 Students exchange simple spoken and written information in the target language, utilizing cultural references where appropriate. SWBAT Describe classes and classroom objects, Discuss school schedules and Subjects How is going to school in the United States different than going to school in another country, like in Latin America or Spain?

5 Repaso ¿Cuál clase? (name which class you need this in…) ¿Cuáles cosas? (name 2 things you need)

6 Escuchan y Escriban Listen to the sentences of materials, write down which class is being described

7 Repaso de Suramerica

8 La Escuela: Los Estados Unidos 12 grades, High school is grades 9-12 Students graduate at the end of grade 12 and apply to college Students usually live at home while they go to school Most student take the bus, walk, or drive to school School is usually 5 days a week, from around 8am-3pm Students play sports or join clubs at school Students take about 6-8 classes at a time Schools are on block schedules or “regular” schedules

9 La Escuela: España Students are often placed in one class of around 30 students that they learn ALL subjects with Teachers move rooms, not students There is a break during the afternoon (la siesta), and then school goes until around 5 or 6 pm Schools are typically more lecture-style classes Less grades per semester, but each one is worth more points Students often walk to school or take public transportation Students take one big test at age 16 to pass ALL of their subjects/grades at once!

10 La Escuela: Latin America Many students take around 10-12 subjects at a time, but only go to each one around 2 times a week Languages are taught from an early age… many students speak 2-3 other languages by the time they graduate! Less emphasis on sports and extra curricular activities Lecture-style classes Number grades Students don’t usually have lockers and have A LOT of homework, so they carry their stuff with them all day and home when they leave! Private (and often religious) schools are common Uniforms are very typical!

11 Reflejan… y Comparten With the people at your table, create a Venn Diagram (everyone needs one in their own notes) comparing YOUR school experience to one of the school experiences we just talked about. It can be in English, but you need at least DIEZ items on your chart

12 Cara a Cara Facing the inside: you ask the question (and hold the cards) Facing the outside: you answer the question When the bell rings, the inside moves (every 10 s.) Ask quickly… see if you can get through all five! Question/answer formula will be on the board. When we have gone all the way around, we will switch!

13 Cara a Cara ¿Cuál clase te gusta? A mí me gusta/gustan _________.

14 Práctica Independiente Carolina is in high school in Spain. She wrote us this letter and wants us to respond. “Hola! A mi me gusta la clase de fránces. Hay papel, lápices y cuadernos. A mí no me gustan los estudios sociales. Hay libros y plumas. ¿Qué clase te gusta? Adios!” Respond to Carolina by writing about a class you like and a class you don’t like, and two things that there are (“hay”) in each class. Use her letter as an example.

15 Billete de Salida 1&2. Identify 2 countries on the map (spanish-speaking) Example: #2 = ___________ 3&4. Write TWO sentences about TWO classes you have and what you have for those classes (2 items each) using this structure: “En la clase de ____________, hay _____ y _____”

16 (if there is extra time) P. 107 activities 3 and 4 with partners

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