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Hoy es lunes, el 1 de junio. No esponja today! 1. For the first 15 minutes of class, here are your options: You can finish your tests from last Thursday.

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Presentation on theme: "Hoy es lunes, el 1 de junio. No esponja today! 1. For the first 15 minutes of class, here are your options: You can finish your tests from last Thursday."— Presentation transcript:

1 Hoy es lunes, el 1 de junio. No esponja today! 1. For the first 15 minutes of class, here are your options: You can finish your tests from last Thursday. You can prep for your verbal assessment tomorrow. You can study for your retake on Wednesday! You can begin looking over the vocab/grammar for the next chapters. 2. Then, we will spend a few minutes discussing the schedule over the next couple weeks (the last ones!!!). 3. Finally, we will review and discuss concerns for the retake.

2 Hoy es martes, el 2 de junio. Hoy, tenemos la prueba oral de Etapa 1, Unidad 3 1. Please be quiet and respectful while others are being assessed. 2. Stay in your seat! 3. When not being assessed, you should practice for your assessment, work on homework or relax. 4. Be sure you are ready to: Extend invitations to another person Accept or decline invitations

3 Hoy es miércoles, el 3 de junio. Hoy, tenemos la prueba oral de Etapa 3, Unidad 2 (and your retake!) 1. Please be quiet and respectful while others are being assessed. If you are taking the retake, ask for help when you need it! Break down questions when you feel confused! 2. Stay in your seat! 3. When not being assessed, you should practice for your assessment, work on homework or relax. 4. Be sure you are ready to: Extend invitations to another person Accept or decline invitations

4 Hoy es jueves, el 4 de junio. Hoy, tenemos la prueba oral de Etapa 3, Unidad 2 1. Please be quiet and respectful while others are being assessed. 2. Stay in your seat! 3. When not being assessed, you should practice for your assessment, work on homework or relax. 4. Be sure you are ready to: Extend invitations to another person Accept or decline invitations If you didn’t turn in your blue quiz with your retake, do it now!

5 Hoy es viernes, el 5 de junio. Today, you will be doing the written assessments, and we will be finishing the oral assessments. 1. Please be quiet and respectful while others are being assessed. 2. Stay in your seat! 3. When not being assessed, you should practice for your assessment, work on homework or relax. 4. For your written assessments: Explain scenarios using estar, acabar and venir Write about two different people 5. For your verbals, be sure you are ready to: Extend invitations to another person Accept or decline invitations If you didn’t turn in your blue quiz with your retake, do it now!

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