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Training On Line – CONA Shipper. 2 Request From menu: Conferimenti ad inizio anno termico > Agosto > Annuali > Nuova Richiesta Access to page Richiesta.

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Presentation on theme: "Training On Line – CONA Shipper. 2 Request From menu: Conferimenti ad inizio anno termico > Agosto > Annuali > Nuova Richiesta Access to page Richiesta."— Presentation transcript:

1 Training On Line – CONA Shipper

2 2 Request From menu: Conferimenti ad inizio anno termico > Agosto > Annuali > Nuova Richiesta Access to page Richiesta to enter the request (Richiesta).

3 3 Request Massive Loading from file.xls The page allows to proceed with the massive loading of requests starting form a file.xls. By clicking the button Browse it is possible to search and select the file.xls that contains the set of request data.

4 4 By clicking on the button Carica the entered data will be loaded The button Salva allows to save on SAP the entered information The button Rilascia allows to release the entered information in page of Capacity Booking request The button Sel. Tutto allows to select all the input displayed on page further to loading of Booking Capacity information The button Desel.Tutto allows to deselect all the input previously selected The button Cancella posizioni selezionate allows to delete all the selected input Request Massive Loading from file.xls

5 5 Finally the loading result will be displayed on a pop-up. By clicking on logs di caricamento it is possible to visualize the details of loaded information. Request Massive Loading from file.xls

6 6 At the end of data entry stage, the list of document to be completed will be displayed Request Massive Loading from file.xls

7 7 By clicking on it is possible to proceed with the selection of another point and with the manual data entry of Booking Capacity. Points for which a capacity booking request has been already entered are not displayed in the drop-down list. At the end of the data entry the list of document to be filled in will be displayed. Request Manual loading

8 8 Request Saving entered input By clicking on the button Salva the entered information will be saved on SAP. A pop-up will ask to confirm the saving operation. A warning message requests to complete all the required documents before proceeding with the saving operation.

9 9 By clicking on each document in the list, the system redirects to the page for the data entry of the required information. Request Documents fulfillment (CONTR 2009-2010)

10 10 Click on the button Aggiungi and enter the required information on the window Contratto, concerning the Capacity Acquisition Contract of the relative Point, in line with the available information displayed on the page. Request Documents fulfillment (CONTR 2009-2010)

11 11 At the end of the data entry the input will be displayed in the table. Input are editable and erasable. Once all required information have been entered, click on the button Sottoscrivi to go back to the main page. Edit Delete Request Documents fulfillment (CONTR 2009-2010)

12 12 By clicking on each document in the list, the system redirects to the page for the data entry of the required information. Request Documents fulfillment (TERM_CONTR)

13 13 Mark the flag Flag per Accettazione and click on Sottoscrivi to go back to the main page. Request Documents fulfillment (TERM_CONTR)

14 14 Mark the flag Flag per Accettazione and click on Sottoscrivi to go back to the main page. Request Documents fulfillment (TERM_CONTR)

15 15 Request Saving By clicking on the button Salva the entered information will be saved on SAP. A pop-up will ask to confirm the saving operation.

16 16 Log displays the check result following the saving operation on SAP of the assigned requests on Capacity Portal. Request Saving

17 17 By clicking on the button Rilascia the Request step is closed; data entered by the Shipper are now available for the following validation step. Request Release

18 18 Request Release Log displays the check result following the release request operation. In order to complete the request release click on the button Conferma rilascio

19 19 Log di rilascio window displays the result of the release process. Request data will be editable by shipper until deadline. Request Release

20 20 Confirmation From from the menu: Conferimenti ad inizio anno termico > Agosto > Annuali > Visualizza/modifica richieste Access to selection page of next Conferma (confirmation) step. Select the request of interest.

21 21 Confirmation By clicking on the button a mask appears in order to enter the capacity to be confirmed.

22 22 Confirmation It is not possible to confirm a capacity value higher than the value previously booked. On the contrary, an error message will be displayed.

23 23 Confirmation Saving By clicking on the button Salva the entered information will be saved on SAP. A pop-up will ask to confirm the saving operation.

24 24 Confirmation S aving By clicking on the button Salva the entered information will be saved on SAP. A pop-up will ask to confirm the saving operation.

25 25 Log di salvataggio will display information about the saving operation result. Confirmation Saving

26 26 Confirmation Release By clicking on the button Rilascia the Confirmation step is completed; a pop-up will ask to confirm the release operation.

27 27 Confirmation Release By clicking on the button Rilascia the Confirmation step is completed; a pop-up will ask to confirm the release operation.

28 28 Log di rilascio window displays information about the release operation result. Confirmation Release

29 29 Re-confirmation From menu: Conferimenti ad inizio anno termico > Agosto > Annuali > Visualizza/modifica richieste Access to selection page of next Riconferma (re-confirmation) step. Click on Riconferma.

30 30 Re-confirmation By clicking on the button a mask appears in order to enter the capacity to be re-confirmed. It is not possible to re-confirm a capacity value bigger than re-assigned capacity or a value smaller than confirmed capacity. On the contrary, an error message will be displayed.

31 31 By clicking on the button a mask appears in order to enter the capacity to be re-confirmed. It is not possible to re-confirm a capacity value higher than the value previously re-assigned or lower than the value previosly confirmed. On the contrary, an error message will be displayed. Re-confirmation

32 32 Re-confirmation By clicking on the button a mask appears in order to enter the capacity to be re-confirmed. It is not possible to re-confirm a capacity value higher than the value previously re-assigned or lower than the value previosly confirmed. On the contrary, an error message will be displayed.

33 33 R e-confirmation Saving By clicking on the button Salva the entered information will be saved on SAP. A pop-up will ask to confirm the saving operation.

34 34 R e-confirmation Saving Log di salvataggio will display information about the saving operation results.

35 35 Re-confirmation Release By clicking on the button Rilascia the Riconferma (re-confirmation) step is completed; a pop-up will ask to confirm the release operation.

36 36 Re-confirmation Release Log di rilascio window displays information about the release operation results.

37 37 Subscription From menu: Conferimenti ad inizio anno termico > Agosto > Annuali > Visualizza/modifica richieste Access to selection page of next Sottoscrizione (subscription) step.

38 38 By clicking on the button a mask appears in order to enter the capacity to be subscribed. It is possible to subscribe a capacity value equal or lower than the value previously re-confirmed. Subscription

39 39 Subscription By clicking on the button a mask appears in order to enter the capacity to be subscribed. It is possible to subscribe a capacity value equal or smaller than previously re-confirmed capacity.

40 40 Subscription Saving By clicking on the button Salva the entered information will be saved on SAP. A pop-up will ask to confirm the saving operation.

41 41 Subscription Saving Log di salvataggio window displays information about the saving operation results.

42 42 By clicking on the button Rilascia the Sottoscrizione (subscription) step is completed; a pop-up will ask to confirm the release operation. Subscription Release

43 43 Subscription Release Log di rilascio window displays information about the release operation results.

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