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Unit 2-2 Talking about taking care of yourself Por una vida sana.

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Presentation on theme: "Unit 2-2 Talking about taking care of yourself Por una vida sana."— Presentation transcript:

1 Unit 2-2 Talking about taking care of yourself Por una vida sana

2 Talking about taking care of yourself p.61 la alimentación nutrition

3 Talking about taking care of yourself p.61 alimentarse bien to eat well

4 Talking about taking care of yourself p.61 alimentarse mal to eat poorly

5 Talking about taking care of yourself p.61 alimentarse mal to eat poorly

6 Talking about taking care of yourself p.61 broncearse to suntan

7 Talking about taking care of yourself p.61 comer comida sana to eat healthy food

8 Talking about taking care of yourself p.61 compatir con alguien to share with someone

9 Talking about taking care of yourself p.61 contribuir to contribute

10 Talking about taking care of yourself p.61 cuidarse el peso to watch one’s weight

11 Talking about taking care of yourself p.61 darse cuenta de to realize

12 Talking about taking care of yourself p.61 dormir (ue,u) lo suficiente to get enough sleep

13 Talking about taking care of yourself p.61 dormirse (ue,u) to fall asleep

14 Talking about taking care of yourself p.61 ducharse to take a shower

15 Talking about taking care of yourself p.61 echarle mucha sal a la comida to put a lot of salt on food

16 Talking about taking care of yourself p.61 estar a dieta to be on a diet estar a régimen

17 Talking about taking care of yourself p.61 la grasa fat

18 Talking about taking care of yourself p.61 hacer ejercicio(aeróbico) to (do aerobic) exercise

19 Talking about taking care of yourself p.61 mantenerse (ie) en forma to stay in shape

20 Talking about taking care of yourself p.61 el peligro danger

21 Talking about taking care of yourself p.61 pesarse to weigh oneself

22 Talking about taking care of yourself p.61 la piel skin

23 Talking about taking care of yourself p.61 ponerse crema protectora to put on sunscreen

24 Talking about taking care of yourself p.61 quedarse frente a la tele to stay in front of the TV

25 Talking about taking care of yourself p.61 quemarse to get a sunburn

26 Talking about taking care of yourself p.61 sentirse (ie,i) muy solo/a to feel very lonely

27 Talking about taking care of yourself p.61 subirse de peso to gain weight

28 Talking about taking care of yourself p.61 tener(ie) buenos hábitos de alimentación to have good eating habits

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