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Lezione Uno Conversazione basica. Hello and goodbye: Ciao-hi Salve-hello (formal) Buon giorno- good morning Buon pomeriggio-good afternoon Buona sera-good.

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Presentation on theme: "Lezione Uno Conversazione basica. Hello and goodbye: Ciao-hi Salve-hello (formal) Buon giorno- good morning Buon pomeriggio-good afternoon Buona sera-good."— Presentation transcript:

1 Lezione Uno Conversazione basica

2 Hello and goodbye: Ciao-hi Salve-hello (formal) Buon giorno- good morning Buon pomeriggio-good afternoon Buona sera-good evening Ciao-bye Arrivederci-see you Arrivederla-well see each other Buona giornata-have a good day Buona notte-good night Ci vediamo-see you A presto-see you later A domani-see you tomorrow A piu tardi- see you later

3 I Pronomi Singulare Io-I Tu-you Lui-he Lei-she Lei-you (formal-man or woman) Plurale Noi-we Voi-all of you loro-they Loro-all of you (formal-men or women)

4 Scegli il pronomo giusto Marco Marcella and Paolo You and Gabriella Tu and I I Gabriella You Lui Loro Voi Noi Io Lei Tu

5 Who are you? Chi sei tu? I o sono Diane Who are you? I am Diane Come ti chiami? Mi chiamo Diane What is your name? My name is Diane Quale è il tuo nome? I l mio nome è Diane. What is your name? My name is Diane.

6 Pleased to meet you Piacere Pleased to meet you Piacere mio The pleasure is mine

7 How are you? Come stai? How are you? Sto bene I am well Sto male I am bad Sto così così I am so-so

8 Where are you from/where do you live? Sono di New York. Di dove sei tu? I am from New York. Where are you from? Abito a Smithtown. Dove abiti? I live in Smithtown. Where do you live? Vivo a Smithtown. Dove vivi? I live in Smithtown. Where do you live?

9 Ask the question that prompts the following answers: Mi chiamo Giuliano. Sono Marisa Sto bene Sono di New york Abito a Commack

10 Conversazione basica Persona A Say hello Say your name. Ask person B his/her name Say you are well and ask Person B the same thing. Say you are from New york and live in Commack. Ask person B about him/her Tell person B it is nice to meet him/her. Say you will see Person B soon Persona B Say hi. Ask person A his/her name. Say your name and ask Perosn A how he/she is. Say you are ok and ask Person a where he/she is from Say you also are from New York and live in Commack. Say nice to meet you. Say goodbye.

11 La cortesia Grazie Prego Di niente Scusi Scusa Thank you Youre welcome Its nothing Excuse me

12 Definite articles (ways to say the) Masculine Singular il – il ragazzo – The boy L – Luomo – The man Lo – Lo studente – The student Masculine Plural i – i ragazzi – The boys Gli – Gli uomini – The men – Gli studenti – The students

13 People (Le persone) Il ragazzo (the boy)I ragazzi (the boys)

14 Le persone Luomo (the man)Gli uomini (the men)

15 Definite articles (ways to say the) Feminine Singular La – La ragazza L – Lamica Feminine plural Le – Le ragazze – Le amiche

16 Le persone La ragazza (the girl)Le ragazze (the girls)

17 Le persone La donna (the woman) Le donne (the women)

18 I numeri 1-10 Uno Due Tre Quattro Cinque

19 I numeri 1-10 Sei Sette Otto Nove Dieci

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