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Kölner Rathaus The City Hall (German: Kölner Rathaus) is a historical building in Cologne, western Germany. It is located off Hohe Straße in the district.

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Presentation on theme: "Kölner Rathaus The City Hall (German: Kölner Rathaus) is a historical building in Cologne, western Germany. It is located off Hohe Straße in the district."— Presentation transcript:

1 Kölner Rathaus The City Hall (German: Kölner Rathaus) is a historical building in Cologne, western Germany. It is located off Hohe Straße in the district of Innenstadt, and set between the two squares of Rathausplatz and Alter Markt. It houses part of the city government, including the city council and offices of the Lord Mayor. It is Germany's oldest city hall with a documented history spanning some 900 years. The history of its council during the 11th century is a prominent example for self-gained municipal autonomy of Medieval cities. Today's building complex consists of several structures, added successively in varying architectural styles: they include the 14th century historic town hall, the 15th century Gothic style tower, the 16th century Renaissance style loggia and cloister (the Löwenhof), and the 20th century Modern Movement atrium (the Piazzetta). The so-called Spanischer Bau is an extension on Rathausplatz but not directly connected with the main building.

2 Wort des Tages

3 Objective Students will be able to identify what German verbs are a combination of a separable prefix plus the infinitive of the verb.

4 Order of Events 1.Review col 3 vocab. 2.Was machst du am Wochenend? 3.Read Pg. 270, answer questions on Pg. 271 #5 4.Separable Prefixes Pg. 272

5 Verbs with Separable Prefixes You can combine verbs with prefixes and thus change their meaning. In most cases such prefixes are prepositions, just as in English (to take – to undertake). Ex. (ankommen) Der Zug kommt pünktlich an. (einladen) Steffie lädt Rainer zur Party ein.

6 Verbs with Separable Prefixes The prefixes, which you can add or eliminate are called separable. The prefixes are separated from their verbs and placed at the end of the sentence. Ex. (vorhaben) Was hast du heute vor? (fernsehen) Wir sehen am Abend fern.

7 Verbs with Separable Prefixes These are the verbs with separable prefixes you have learned so far: anhabendahingehenherkommen ankommeneinladenlosgehen vorhabenrüberkommenanrufen einkaufenmitbringenmitkommen ausgebenfernsehen The accent is always on the separable prefix.

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