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CheeseChocolateEggsHamburgerHot Dog QuesoChocolateHuevosHamburguesaPerro Caliente Ice CreamJuiceLemonadePizzaSandwich HeladoJugoLimonadaPizzaEmparedado.

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Presentation on theme: "CheeseChocolateEggsHamburgerHot Dog QuesoChocolateHuevosHamburguesaPerro Caliente Ice CreamJuiceLemonadePizzaSandwich HeladoJugoLimonadaPizzaEmparedado."— Presentation transcript:



3 CheeseChocolateEggsHamburgerHot Dog QuesoChocolateHuevosHamburguesaPerro Caliente Ice CreamJuiceLemonadePizzaSandwich HeladoJugoLimonadaPizzaEmparedado

4 In this unit we’re going to learn likes and dislikes about food. Affirmative Form - Singular. En esta unidad vamos a aprender acerca de los gustos y disgustos sobre la comida en Forma Afirmativa – Singular. Personal Pronouns and Verb to be/ Pronombres Personales y Verbo Ser/Estar: YoTuElEllaEllosNosotrosEsto/eso PronounsIYouHeSheTheyWeIt VerbAmAreIs Are Is ContractionI´mYou´reHe´sShe´sThey´reWe´reIt´s NegativeI´m notYou aren´tHe isn´tShe isn´tThey aren´tWe aren´tIt isn´t

5 Verbs Likes and Dislike: (Like, Love and Hate) Verbos de Agrado y Desagrado: (Gustar, Amar y Odiar) Affirmative Form - Singular: Forma afirmativa - Singular: I love chocolate. Me encanta el chocolate. I like sandwiches. Me gustan los emparedados. I hate eggs. Yo odio los huevos.

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