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MOTIA FINAL CONFERENCE ''Project Perimetering” “MOdelling Tools for Interdependence Analysis for ICT Systems” With the support of the Prevention, Preparedness.

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Presentation on theme: "MOTIA FINAL CONFERENCE ''Project Perimetering” “MOdelling Tools for Interdependence Analysis for ICT Systems” With the support of the Prevention, Preparedness."— Presentation transcript:

1 MOTIA FINAL CONFERENCE ''Project Perimetering” “MOdelling Tools for Interdependence Analysis for ICT Systems” With the support of the Prevention, Preparedness and Consequence Management of Terrorism and other Security-related Risks Programme European Commission - Directorate-General Home Affairs This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein Critical Infrastrutture Protection Luca Cicchelli – TOP-IX Consortium Roma “Piazza di Spagna - 29 Marzo 2012


3 NETWORK OPERATORS ianc 1.Operators owning their physical infrastructure and providing services on top of it 2.Operators buying or hiring physical infrastructures (dark fiber) from (1) and providing services on top of it 3.Operators running services based on lower layer services provided by third parties (that can be both (1) or (2))

4 CUSTOMER ACCESS ianc type of connection (wired/wireless) physical medium protocol/technology used

5 ISP hierarchy

6 Point Of Presence (POP) ianc Routers Switches Servers ADM/xWDM DDF/ODF Fiber/UTP patch cable Inside IDC or Colocators

7 PoP Location ianc

8 About IDC ianc

9 TELECOM ITALIA Network ianc

10 TELECOM ITALIA Network ianc

11 TELECOM ITALIA Network ianc

12 MOTIA FINAL CONFERENCE ''Project Perimetering” “MOdelling Tools for Interdependence Analysis for ICT Systems” With the support of the Prevention, Preparedness and Consequence Management of Terrorism and other Security-related Risks Programme European Commission - Directorate-General Home Affairs This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein Thanks for Attention Luca Cicchelli – TOP-IX Consortium Roma “Piazza di Spagna - 29 Marzo 2012

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