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Published byClarence Peters Modified over 9 years ago
doc.: IEEE 802.11-15/721r1 ReportAdrian Stephens, Intel Corporation 802.11 Working Group Opening Report July 2015 Date: 2015-07-13 Authors: July 2015 Slide 1
doc.: IEEE 802.11-15/721r1 Report Introduction This presentation, together with the reports cited on the next slide, forms the opening report of the IEEE 802.11 Working Group for July 2015. Subgroup status is reported in the “Snapshots” submission (see next slide for link). This is incorporated by reference into this opening report. “Mx.y.z” terminology indicates that the item was on the tentative agenda for the Monday 802.11 plenary, and was agenda item x.y.z. Adrian Stephens, Intel Corporation July 2015 Slide 2
doc.: IEEE 802.11-15/721r1 Report M2.3.1 Summary of new Liaisons 2015-06-01 Incoming liaison to 802 (R1-153659) from 3GPP, – 153659.zip –being the response to 07-0000-second-laa-coexistance-liaison.docx. 07-0000-second-laa-coexistance-liaison.docx 2015-06-24 Incoming liaison to 802 (RP-151095) from 3GPP –Announcement of LAA workshop, 29 th August, China World Hotel, Beijing, China –See: 2015-06-25 Incoming liaison to 802 (RP-151115) on LAA capabilities and scope Incoming liaisons to 802 may generally be found at: 802.19 is responsible for responding to liaisons from 3GPP on LAA. July 2015 Adrian Stephens, Intel CorporationSlide 3
doc.: IEEE 802.11-15/721r1 Report M2.3.1 Summary of ongoing Liaisons NGMN Liaison and Whitepaper - Owned by REG SCLiaisonWhitepaper The outgoing liaison approved in May invited NGMN to provide a speaker for the Tuesday panel session. We have invited NGMN to send a participant on a panel discussion of 5G requirements for 802.11. We are hoping to have them present in Dallas (Nov), but have no commitment as yet. July 2015 Adrian Stephens, Intel CorporationSlide 4
doc.: IEEE 802.11-15/721r1 Report A following authors will be presenting to 802.19 on LTE-U: –Jingyi Zhou (Verizon Wireless) –Mingxi Fan (Qualcomm) The timeslot is Tue pm1 in Kings 1 (seats 50). M2.3.1 – Presentation on LTE-U to 802.19 July 2015 Adrian Stephens, Intel CorporationSlide 5
doc.: IEEE 802.11-15/721r1 Report M3.1 802.11 Working Group Session Documents Adrian Stephens, Intel Corporation July 2015 Slide 6 WG Agenda Opening report Snapshots Supplementary Material Motions Closing report 1 st vice chair Treasurer 2 nd vice chair
doc.: IEEE 802.11-15/721r1 Report M3.2 Joint meetings and Reciprocal Credit Joint Meetings –Thu am1: TGak, 802.1Qbz, 802.1AC, and ARC –(King’s 2, seats 80) Reciprocal credit is provided to 802.11 voters for attendance at: 802.18, 802.19, 802.24, 802.1 and Privacy ECSG –Reciprocal credit for 802.19 is for Coexistence in Unlicensed Bands Study Group –Reciprocal credit for 802.1 is for 801.1Qbz, 802.1CF July 2015 Adrian Stephens, Intel CorporationSlide 7
doc.: IEEE 802.11-15/721r1 Report M3.10 Topics for Wednesday plenary One or motions requesting WG LB recirculation (possibly TGai and/or TGah) Update on IEEE-SA celebration marketing campaign (IEEE, Yu) 802.11 celebration event –To be addressed by all 802.11 chairs –Photographs –Cake –Giveaways July 2015 Adrian Stephens, Intel CorporationSlide 8
doc.: IEEE 802.11-15/721r1 Report M3.11 802 EC and IEEE-SA Standards Board decisions PARS –None Approval of draft standards –None Liaison statements –A Motion to approve “transmission of document 11-15/683r2 ( comments-in-fcc-15-47.docx) to the FCC as a letter in response to FCC docket 15-47” failed 6,4,1 (60%, 2/3 required) comments-in-fcc-15-47.docx –An updated liaison statement has been prepared by Rich Kennedy – see agenda item 5.1. This document has been circulated for review by the EC to be released using the procedure in IEEE 802 OM section 8.2.2. July 2015 Adrian Stephens, Intel CorporationSlide 9
doc.: IEEE 802.11-15/721r1 Report M3.11 EC and IEEE-SA Standards Board decisions (continued) There are to main routes for a liaison from 802.11 to a regulator. See the LMSC (802) operations manual. –Representing the opinion solely of 802.11. The EC is given a 5-day window in which to object. If no motion to object is made, communication can go ahead (802 OM 8.2.2) –Representing the opinion of 802. Should be balanced and take into account all 802 relevant input. The EC gets to vote on a 2/3 motion to send. (802 OM 8.1.1) Either via 802.18 Or direct from 802.11 to the EC, having fully engaged with other 802 working groups July 2015 Adrian Stephens, Intel CorporationSlide 10
doc.: IEEE 802.11-15/721r1 Report M4.1.1 Type of Groups Type of GroupDescription WGWorking Group SCStanding Committee TGTask Group SGStudy Group Adrian Stephens, Intel Corporation July 2015 Slide 11
doc.: IEEE 802.11-15/721r1 Report M4.1.1 Groups TypeGroupDescription WGWG11The IEEE 802.11 Working Group SCARCArchitecture SCPARPAR review SCREGRegulatory SCPUBPublicity SCWNGWireless Next Generation 802 SCJTC1ISO/IEC JTC1/SC6 TGMCRevision mc (REVmc) TGAHOperation in 900 MHz bands (S1G) TGAIFast Initial Link Setup (FILS) TGAJChina Milli-Meter Wave (CMMW) TGAQPre-association Discovery (PAD) TGAKGeneral Link (GLK) TGAXHigh Efficiency Wireless LAN (HEW) TGAYNext Generation 60 GHz (NG60) SGNGPNext Generation Positioning Adrian Stephens, Intel Corporation July 2015 Slide 12
doc.: IEEE 802.11-15/721r1 Report M4.1.2 PAR Expiration/Renewal Schedule ProjectPAR Expiration Date AH31-DEC-2016 AI31-DEC-2016 MC31-DEC-2016 AJ31-DEC-2016 AK31-DEC-2016 AQ31-DEC-2016 AX31-DEC-2018 AY31-DEC-2019 Adrian Stephens, Intel Corporation July 2015 Slide 13
doc.: IEEE 802.11-15/721r1 Report M4.1.3 802.11 WG Appointed positions WG Secretary – Stephen McCann Treasurer – Jon Rosdahl Publicity – Stephen McCann –Call for publicity chair is currently open, based on the current SC scope, which includes the creation of education/tutorial material. –The PUB SC is meeting during this session and Stephen will manage the 802.11 celebration press release. ANA Authority – Adrian Stephens WG Technical Editors – Adrian Stephens, Peter Ecclesine Adrian Stephens, Intel Corporation July 2015 Slide 14
doc.: IEEE 802.11-15/721r1 Report M4.1.3 Officers ** = pro-tem Adrian Stephens, Intel Corporation CatGroupChairVice ChairTechnical Editor Secretary WGAdrian STEPHENS Jon ROSDAHL Dorothy STANLEY Adrian STEPHENS Peter ECCLESINE Stephen MCCANN SCARCMark HAMILTONJoseph LEVY SCREGRichard KENNEDY SCPARJon ROSDAHL SCPUBStephen MCCANN SCWNGClint CHAPLINJim LANSFORD TGMCDorothy STANLEYMark HAMILTON Jon ROSDAHL Adrian Stephens, Sub-editors Emily QI and Edward AU Jon ROSDAHL TGAHYongho SEOK Alfred ASTERJADHI Zander LEI Yongho SEOK Alfred ASTERJADHI Zander LEI TGAIHiroshi MANOMarc EMMELMANNLee ARMSTRONG Ping FANG Hitoshi MORIOKA TGAJXiaoming PENGHaiming WANG Jiamin CHEN (TBC) Jiamin CHENHAO Peng TGAKDonald EASTLAKEMark HAMILTONDonald EASTLAKE Norm FINN Filip MESTANOV TGAQStephen MCCANNYunsong YANGDan GalDapeng LIU TGAXOsama ABOUL-MAGDSimone MERLIN Ron PORAT Robert STACEYYasuhiko INOUE TGAYEdward AU **Jeorge HURTARTE ** SGNGPJonathan SEGEVGabor BAJKO July 2015 Slide 15
doc.: IEEE 802.11-15/721r1 Report M4.1.3 Officers ** = pro-tem Adrian Stephens, Intel Corporation CatGroupChairVice ChairTechnical Editor Secretary WGAdrian STEPHENS Jon ROSDAHL Dorothy STANLEY Adrian STEPHENS Peter ECCLESINE Stephen MCCANN SCARCMark HAMILTONJoseph LEVY SCREGRichard KENNEDY SCPARJon ROSDAHL SCPUBStephen MCCANN SCWNGClint CHAPLINJim LANSFORD TGMCDorothy STANLEYMark HAMILTON Jon ROSDAHL Adrian Stephens, Sub-editors Emily QI and Edward AU Jon ROSDAHL TGAHYongho SEOK Alfred ASTERJADHI Zander LEI Yongho SEOK Alfred ASTERJADHI Zander LEI TGAIHiroshi MANOMarc EMMELMANNLee ARMSTRONG Ping FANG Hitoshi MORIOKA TGAJXiaoming PENG Jiamin CHEN (Acting) Haiming WANG Jiamin CHEN (TBC) Jiamin CHENHAO Peng TGAKDonald EASTLAKEMark HAMILTONDonald EASTLAKE Norm FINN Filip MESTANOV TGAQStephen MCCANNYunsong YANGDapeng LIU TGAXOsama ABOUL-MAGDSimone MERLIN Ron PORAT Robert STACEYYasuhiko INOUE TGAYEdward AU ** SGNGPJonathan SEGEVJames Wang July 2015 Slide 16
doc.: IEEE 802.11-15/721r1 Report 802.11 -2003 802.11 -2012 IEEE 802.11 Revisions 11w Management Frame Security IEEE Std 802.11 -1999 MAC & PHY MAC 11k RRM 11r Fast Roam 11a 54 Mbps 5GHz 11b 11 Mbps 2.4GHz 11d Intl roaming 11v Network Management 11s Mesh 11u WIEN 11y Contention Based Protocol 11n High Throughput (>100 Mbps) 11z TDLS 11p WAVE 802.11 -2016 (TBC) 802.11 -2007 11g 54 Mbps 2.4GHz 11e QoS 11i Security 11h DFS & TPC 11j JP bands 11f Inter AP 11f Inter AP 11aa Video Transport 11ae QoS Mgt Frames 11ac -VHT >1 Gbps @ 5GHz 11ad - VHT >1 Gbps @ 60GHz 11af TV Whitespace Adrian Stephens, Intel Corporation July 2015 Slide 17
doc.: IEEE 802.11-15/721r1 Report 802.11 -2016 IEEE 802.11 Standards Pipeline MAC & PHY Sponsor Ballot MAC Study groups Published Standard WG Letter Ballot 802.11ac VHT 5GHz TG without Approved draft Discussion Topics Published Amendment 802.11af TVWS 802.11ai FILS 802.11 ah < 1Ghz WNG 802.11ae QoS Mgt Frames 802.11ad VHT 60 GHz 802.11AQ PAD 802.11aj CMMW 802.11AK GLK 802.11ax HEW 802.11ay NG60 802.11aa Video Transport 802.11 -2012 18 Adrian Stephens, Intel Corporation July 2015 Slide 18 NGP
doc.: IEEE 802.11-15/721r1 Report M4.1.5 Summary of ballots and comment collections Adrian Stephens, Intel Corporation Type Label Group Opened (mm-dd) Dur (d) # Comments Pool Approve Disapprove + invalid Abstain Return % Approve % Result LB213TGai06-11153533623820+2218492P July 2015 Slide 19
doc.: IEEE 802.11-15/721r1 ReportAdrian Stephens, Intel Corporation M4.1.6 Current Membership Status Data as of 2015-05-10 Definitions: Aspirant: a member who has attended 1 qualifying meeting Potential Voter: a member who has attended 2 qualifying meetings and will become a voter at the start of the next plenary they attend Ex Officio Voter: a voter who has voting rights by virtue of their membership of the 802 EC and has requested to be recorded as an ex officio voter in 802.11 StatusNumber Aspirant158 Potential Voter79 Voter330 Ex Officio Voter11 July 2015 Slide 20
doc.: IEEE 802.11-15/721r1 ReportAdrian Stephens, Intel Corporation M4.1.6 Recent voting member history July 2015 Slide 21
doc.: IEEE 802.11-15/721r1 Report M4.1.7 ANA Status The latest database is 11-11/0270r31 (June 2015) Changes since last meeting: –r30: TGai allocations –r31: REVmc D4.0 Updates to Reason Code names flags allocated Adrian Stephens, Intel Corporation July 2015 Slide 22
doc.: IEEE 802.11-15/721r1 Report BACKGROUND DATA Adrian Stephens, Intel Corporation July 2015 Slide 23
doc.: IEEE 802.11-15/721r1 Report Membership by Country and Region Adrian Stephens, Intel Corporation July 2015 Slide 24 VoterPotential VoterAspirantGrand Total GAR1652123209 US1572021198 CA81211 APAC1183055203 KR4281767 JP34121763 CN3191454 TW6129 SG358 NZ11 AU11 (blank)10176491 (blank)10176491 EMEA37111664 GB101516 DE51410 IL3249 FR336 FI235 SE55 RU224 IT22 NL22 PL112 ES11 EG11 BE11 Grand Total33079158567
doc.: IEEE 802.11-15/721r1 Report Meeting Attendance – Historic Data July 2015 Adrian Stephens, Intel CorporationSlide 25
doc.: IEEE 802.11-15/721r1 Report Membership – Historic Data Adrian Stephens, Intel Corporation July 2015 Slide 26
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