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Verbs with irregular forms in the Future tense There are a few verbs in Spanish that are irregular in the Future tense. The endings for these verbs are.

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Presentation on theme: "Verbs with irregular forms in the Future tense There are a few verbs in Spanish that are irregular in the Future tense. The endings for these verbs are."— Presentation transcript:

1 Verbs with irregular forms in the Future tense There are a few verbs in Spanish that are irregular in the Future tense. The endings for these verbs are the same, but the stem is irregular. These verbs fall into 3 different groupings: Group 1 -For verbs in this group, the stem remains the same, but the final vowel of the ending is dropped sabersabr__yo sabré cabercabr__yo cabré haberhabr__yo habré poderpodr__yo podré quererquerr__yo querré

2 Group 2 -For verbs in this group, the stem remains the same, but the final vowel of the ending is dropped and replaced with a “d” ponerpondr__yo pondré salirsaldr__yo saldré tenertendr__yo tendré valervaldr__yo valdré venirvendr__yo vendré

3 Group 3 -For verbs in this group, an entirely different stem is used decirdir__yo diré hacerhar__yo haré

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