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Environmental damage in Spain

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Presentation on theme: "Environmental damage in Spain"— Presentation transcript:

1 Environmental damage in Spain

2 Air pollution Photochemical smog in Madrid

3 Prestige metric tons of oil 19 November 2002

4 Acid rain caused by the thermal power plant of Andorra (Teruel)

5 Problems in our area

6 Cold front Alicante, September 1997 Coast Cold air Water steam
Mediterranean sea Alicante, September 1997

7 Wildfire risk in Spain Risk level High Risk Medium Risk Low Risk

8 Desertification

9 Construction on the coast
(Calpe’s marshes)

10 Before After La Manga del Mar Menor

11 Benidorm, before and after

12 Lack of water

13 Waste of water

14 Coastal damage

15 Water pollution

16 Lagos de Enol (Asturias)
Tablas de Daimiel (Ciudad Real) Valle de Ordesa (Pirineos) Selva de Irati (Navarra)

Palmeral of Elx Font Roja NATURAL PARKS IN ALICANTE Fonts de l’Algar Salinas (Santa Pola)

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