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Your group will consist of 4 people and be responsible for providing a fiesta experience for the whole class. Your group will have 10 minutes to present.

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Presentation on theme: "Your group will consist of 4 people and be responsible for providing a fiesta experience for the whole class. Your group will have 10 minutes to present."— Presentation transcript:

1 Your group will consist of 4 people and be responsible for providing a fiesta experience for the whole class. Your group will have 10 minutes to present. Turn in: list of group members and their jobs bibliography and/or source of information Presentation Board LEQ: How are the winter holidays celebrated around the Hispanic world? This will be a test grade!

2 Las Fiestas en ____________________ Points Possible Points Received Notes Country’s main facts: Map/Capital/ Nationality Flag Money Population Percentage of Catholics Interesting Facts (2+) 30 Holiday Research (visual representation) 30 Decorations (actual décor) Clothing (dress-up) Music (actual recording, group singing, etc. ) Pictures and drawings Recipes and food (food sample & recipe ) 30 Title page and Bibliography Posted to Edmodo by December 10th 10

3 December Calendar: lunesmartesmiércolesjuevesviernes 345 8 Project Work time 9 Project Work time 10 Project Work time 11 Project Work time 12 Project Work time 15 Fiesta Project DUE 16 Midterms 17 Midterms 18 Midterms 19 Midterms

4 Research facts about the country. Include in your visual  Mapa/Capital/ Nacionalidad  Bandera  Moneda  Población  Porcentaje de Católicos  Interesting Facts (3 min.) Job #1 El Busca-datos (fact finder) What do you know about the country?

5 Choose and research a winter holiday celebrated in the Hispanic world Present your findings. These may include:  Las Posadas  La Noche de los Rábanos  La Guadalupana  Día de los Reyes  La Noche Buena  Día de los Inocentes  Los Reyes Magos  Día de la Candelaria  Pastorelas  El Año Viejo  Las Octavitas Algo diferente? Job #2 El Investigador de la festividad (holiday researcher) ¿Cómo se celebran?

6 Two members must: *explain the significance of 3 of the following and *bring in an actual product (ideas given below):  Decorations (actual décor)  Clothing (dress-up)  Music (actual recording, group singing, etc. )  Pictures and drawings  Recipes and food (food sample & recipe ) Job #3 2 Investigadores del Arte y La Comida (researchers of food & art)

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