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Semester 1 Chapter 8A: Los quehaceres Lesson 1

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1 Semester 1 Chapter 8A: Los quehaceres Lesson 1
Spanish 4 Semester 1 Chapter 8A: Los quehaceres Lesson 1 Notes: to myself- print preassessments, get index cards for kwl chart, print homework worksheets

2 Agenda for the day What's coming up this semester? Public Interview
Preassessment Warm-up Los quehaceres

3 What's coming up this semester?
I will be your teacher….but I am still learning…. That means… Taking parents calls/answering s. Answering most of questions regarding assignments/assessments. Proficiency grading still in effect.. Regarding your feedback.. Old rules still apply- be prepared and respectful There will be some new processes of how we will do some things. New Google site for your resource coming soon! Textbooks and homework.. Respect is #1, and a two way street.

4 Public Interview One person interviewed at a time
Questions have to be appropriate. The interviewee can pass any question. But, if they answer, they have to answer honestly and can also ask the same question back. Please raise your hand to ask a question Some sample questions would be…

5 Public Interview Cont’D
If you could travel anywhere in the world where would you go and why? If you had a million dollars, what would you do with it? Where were you born/grew up? What are some of your hobbies? What's the most embarrassing moment you have had? Be creative with your questions!

6 Pre-assessment Will not count towards your grade Please try your best.
This will help to see where everyone is for the new unit. Please remain quiet until everyone has finished.

7 Think, pair, share In your notebook, write down 3-5 chores (in English) you are responsible for doing at home.( If you have a job, you may also write those chores down) Give your piece of paper to a shoulder partner and have them translate the chores to Spanish. Partners share each other’s chores with the class.

8 Los quehaceres II Barrer el piso

9 Los quehaceres II Quitar/poner la mesa

10 Los quehaceres II Poner las cosas en su lugar

11 Los quehaceres II Pasar la aspiradora

12 Los quehaceres II Lavar los platos

13 Los Quehaceres II Dar de comer al perro

14 Los quehaceres II Sacar la Basura

15 Los quehaceres Now, that you have these vocabulary words/phrases, take some time to write the remaining vocabulary words/phrases on page 318 in the book. When finished please complete activity #2 and #3 on page 319, en el libro de trabajo.

16 Para jueves Exit slip Homework for Thursday
Pleasewrite on a piece of paper at the end of the day, what do you know, what do you want to know, and what have you learned? Homework for Thursday Please complete the worksheet for Thursday 2/4.

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