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Plurals. Patterns for Plural Nouns N ends in n E ends in e R ends in r Ø no ending S ends in s.

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Presentation on theme: "Plurals. Patterns for Plural Nouns N ends in n E ends in e R ends in r Ø no ending S ends in s."— Presentation transcript:

1 Plurals

2 Patterns for Plural Nouns N ends in n E ends in e R ends in r Ø no ending S ends in s

3 N ERØS ends in n -nder Jungedie Jungen -endie Fraudie Frauen -nendie Freundindie Freundinnen

4 N E RØS ends in e -eder Freunddie Freunde -äeder Stuhldie Stühle

5 NE R ØS ends in r -erdas Kinddie Kinder -äerder Manndie Männer

6 NER Ø S no ending -das Fensterdie Fenster -ädie Mutterdie Mütter

7 NERØ S ends in s -sder Parkdie Parks das Babydie Babys

8 Patterns for Plurals Most masculine and neuter nouns form the plural by adding –e or –er. Plural with the –er ending always add an Umlaut when the vowel in the singular form is a, o, or u. der Tagdie Tage  das Buchdie Bücher 

9 Patterns for Plurals If the singular form of a noun ends in –el, -en, or – er, there is no additional plural ending, but an Umlaut is added to the stem vowel a, o, or u. der Apfeldie Äpfel  der Vaterdie Väter 

10 Patterns for Plurals For feminine nouns ending with –in, add –nen to form the plural. die Freundin die Freudinnen  die Studentindie Studentinnen 

11 Patterns for Plurals For other feminine nouns, add –n if the singular form end in –e, –el, or –er. Add –en if it does not. Note that feminine nouns with regular plural endings never add an Umlaut. die Blumedie Blumen  die Fraudie Frauen 

12 Patterns for Plurals The –s ending is added to most words borrowed from other languages and to nouns ending with vowels other than e. die DVD die DVDs  das Autodie Autos 

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