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Chapître 3 Vocabulaire. Première étape  Do you have…?  Tu as…? Informal, speaking to one person  Vous avez…? Speaking to many or formal  Here.  Voilà.

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Presentation on theme: "Chapître 3 Vocabulaire. Première étape  Do you have…?  Tu as…? Informal, speaking to one person  Vous avez…? Speaking to many or formal  Here.  Voilà."— Presentation transcript:

1 Chapître 3 Vocabulaire

2 Première étape  Do you have…?  Tu as…? Informal, speaking to one person  Vous avez…? Speaking to many or formal  Here.  Voilà  Sorry  Je regrette.  I don’t have a/any…  Je n’ai pas de…

3  I need…  Il me faut…  A; an  Un: Masculine, singular  Une: Feminine, singular  Some  Des: Plural, masculine & singular

4  Notebook  Un cahier  Calculator  Une calculatrice  Loose-leaf binder  Un classeur  Pencil  Un crayon

5  Sheets of paper  Des feuilles (f.) de papier  Eraser  Une gomme  Book  Un livre (ends in E but masculine)  Ruler  Une règle

6  Bag; backpack  Un sac (a dos)  Pen  Un stylo  Pencil sharpener  Un taille-crayon  Pencil case  Une trousse

7  Darn!  Zut!  Mr. = Monsieur  Mrs. = Madame  I need = Il me faut  I would like = Je voudrais  I do not have any = Je n’ai pas de

8 Let’s Practice in Pairs~ Slide 8  Ecrivez en francais. (Write the skit in French)  A = person the leftB= person on the right  A: Hello Sir (or M 'am)  B: Hello.  A. I need a back pack.  B. Here.  A. I would like a calculator also.  B. Sorry. I do not have any calculators.

9 Deuxième étape: Slide 9  I’d like…  Je voudrais…  I’d like to buy…  Je voudrais acheter… Your turn: Ecrivez en francais:  I would like a pen.  I would like to buy a pencil case.

10  Dictionary  Un dictionnaire  (E, but masculine)  Compact disc/CD  Un disque compact/un CD

11  Magazine  Un magazine  Computer  Un ordinateur

12  Poster  Un poster  Radio  Une radio (no e, but feminine)  Novel  Un roman

13 Demonstrative Adjectives  This; that  Ce, cet, cette  These; those  Ces

14 Écrivez en français: Ce, Cet, Cette, Ces Slide 14  1. These pens  2. That loose leaf binder  3. These erasers  4. That notebook  5. These rulers  6. That pencil case  Ask yourself the questions to help you decide.

15  What color is…?  De quelle couleur est…?  White  Blanc(he)  Blue  Bleu(e)  Grey  Gris(e)

16  Yellow  Jaune  Brown  Marron  Black  Noir(e)  Orange

17  Pink  Rose  Red  Rouge  Green  Vert(e)  Purple  Violet(te)

18 Let’s Layer Skills: Slide 18  Ecrivez en français:  1. I would like these blue rulers.  2. I would like that red book.  3. I need that purple calculator.  4. I need those oranges binders.

19 Troisième étape  Pardon me.  Pardon.  Excuse me.  Excusez-moi.  How much is it?  C’est combien?  Thank you.  Merci.

20 How much? C’est combien This green back pack… how much is it? Ce sac à dos vert… c’est combien? It is 18 euros. C’est dix-huit euros. This pink eraser… how much is it? Cette gomme rose… c’est combien? It is 13 euros. C’est treize euros.

21 Your turn: Écrivez en français: Slide 21  This red notebook… How much is it?  It is 12 euros.  This black pencil case…. How much is it?  It is 10 euros.

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